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That's bullshit complete bullshit
he's a kid
so he ran on the field have him brought down to the police station and a fine be made to pay but a taser gun on a kid for running out on a baseball field ?
whats next Taser guns for candy store knock offs?
New Video: Fan Tasered for Running Onto Field at Citizens Bank Park
Updating last night's post, a fan ran onto the field at the Phillies game last night and was promptly hit with a taser by a police officer. Here's a new video angle with a better view: The incident has fans wondering about the use of force in this instance, whether it was appropriate and ...
love them live
love them live Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2010 at Metric
Adaminnh is now following Metric
May 4, 2010
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May 4, 2010
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