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I am so glad you told me about this post... I think it's fantastic. Anyone who can't deal with difficult situations with a sense of humor is setting herself up for an even more difficult road. I am now following your blog and will hope that this particular situation will come to a resolution soon. Btw, I love the felt uterus in the picture (with the egg!)... that's a riot.
A Letter To My Uterus
NOTE: I write about things that affect me, whether difficult or hopeful. In all that I am going through or experiencing, I try to find humor. I do this for me more than for you. So, with that, and in honor of International Women’s Day, I give to you “A Letter To My Uterus:” Dear Ute,...
Adamslisa is now following Debbie J. Smith
Mar 12, 2010
Adamslisa is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 12, 2010
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