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A Daring Adventure
Recent Activity
Yeah, well, I've got something waaaaayyyyyyyyy more fashionable. Eat your heart out, y'all: Here we have my pasty white bread kid modeling my new purse that I just bought today. It was literally handmade by Japanese prisoners. As in: Japanese people IN PRISON IN JAPAN. There is pretty close to... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2014 at A Daring Adventure
Before I get to the bottom line of the latest thing to REALLY tick me off (it's always something don'tcha know), there's some backstory that we need to talk about first. First of all, have you ever heard of challenge coins? Perhaps you have and perhaps you haven't. But basically... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2014 at A Daring Adventure
I know I haven't blogged in a while, and it would probably be best to resume blogging after this extended, unintended absence by talking about how supremely insanely awesome this assignment to Tokyo is, but we interrupt that sort of gushing (the type that would earn us justifiable hatred by... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2014 at A Daring Adventure
Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books were, quite frankly, my favorite books EVER. I love them so much that I read them to my boys over and over again while they were young, and I have even recently begun listening to them on my iPod. The first one in the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
So, like, I told you guys already that I had to leave Georgetown pretty much at the drop of a hat and come to Tokyo, but I didn't really tell you why. This is because, quite frankly, when I wrote that last blog post, the situation was still occurring and... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Well, so. Last you heard, I was at Georgetown University in school and my guys (James and our sons Matthew and Zachary) had gone on to our new assignment - Tokyo - without me while I stayed behind in DC going to school. Yeah. Not quite sure how much detail... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Life is moving very, very quickly for our family right now. After flying out of Chengdu, Zachary and I were staying at my Mom & Dad's house in Florida. We had a ton of fun, and let me just say - we NEEDED that down time. It easily took one... Continue reading
Posted Aug 26, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
As I said in my last blog post... The YEAR of bidding is over for us. We ultimately got Tokyo and are thrilled. And while the journey of what we went through this past year has a happy ending, I think the story is definitely worth telling. Bidding, for us,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
After a year (A. YEAR.) of bidding, I am thrilled to announce that my husband has been officially HR paneled for the onward assignment we will be heading to after we leave Chengdu, China!! TOKYO, JAPAN!!!!!!! If you're DS, you will immediately recognize how CRAZY OFF THE CHARTS **YOU-HAVE-GOT-TO-BE-KIDDING-ME-INSANE** it... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
It's eerie. Two years ago EXACTLY, James and I were buying our consumables for Chengdu. Ah, memories. I remember it like it was yesterday. Let's go buy consumables! And then let's go buy MORE! I even blogged about consumables shopping two years ago. And actually, it's really entertaining that I... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
(No, NOT bidding.) (It feels like bidding will NEVER be finished.) (It feels like bidding will be with me until the end of time.) (Death. Taxes. AND BIDDING.) Anyway, what is actually finished is Calculus. My summer Calculus class (that I ended up in because the morning my spring semester... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Oh, yeah, people. The gloves are COMING OFF. So, like, yesterday or whatever my bloggy friend Donna published a totally awesome piece with the Huffington Post about how her husband, Bart (who is himself a bad-@zz DS dude who is, like, super high up and stuff in DS) just left... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Well, first things first: No, we didn't get paneled to an onward assignment at the last panel. Trust me, if we had I would have come on and said something. I would have trumpeted it to the skies. So, yeah - we're still bidding. The next panel is July 12th.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Prepare to be SHOCKED. Ready for a stunning revelation? James didn't get paneled for an onward assignment at today's DS panel. You have to pick yourself up off the floor now, right? (/sarcasm) Yeah, so, anyway - still no onward assignment for us. And it's true - we had been... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
I haven't been taking a lot of pictures lately, and so it's a great thing that a sweet (non-State) girlfriend of mine has. Because even when my life is upside down and backwards, and even when my husband isn't being paneled for an onward assignment after almost a year of... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
So I finished my last final exam late last week (Thursday), and then I proceeded to have a massive panic attack of Biblical proportions when, less than ten minutes after the last final exam ended, it sank in that I had absolutely nothing interesting to do no more school scheduled... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
I happen to be somewhere with VPN internet this moment in time, and thus I am able to access YouTube and post this awesome video. (Better early than never? I have to post it now because I will most likely not be able to on Mother's Day.) I think I... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Well, so. James had a very informative (and also long) conversation with his CDO last night. So, you know, I figured I would update y'all on the whole bidding thing. THE GOOD NEWS: It looks as though James might be penciled in for a certain onward assignment. THE BAD NEWS:... Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Yes, everyone - you're going to be shocked to hear this. Although there was another panel yesterday... James didn't get an onward assignment. Again. But, actually? It's okay. It's okay because things are starting to fall into place for our family. Things are starting to make sense. Things are starting... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
It's been a weekend of continuing earthquakes, y'all. I mean, I've always read about how when there's a big earthquake (like we had here just two days ago, and if you didn't get a chance to read that blog post of mine yet, you may want to start there and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Oh my gosh, y'all, what a day it has been. James and I were just starting to wake up this morning and were lying in bed checking email when a very strong earthquake hit here in Chengdu. It hit hard and fast and we both vaulted up out of the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
So I've whined before, at length, I'm sure, about how China blocks Facebook and so if you don't have a VPN you can't be on Facebook. And I've also whined and how China now is super awesome at immediately taking out VPN connections, and so when it comes to doing... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Not sure if you've heard - it's been on the news here and there - but there's some kind of flu thing going around in China and it's, like, a super big huge deal right now. It's currently feeling pretty WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! all up in this place, y'all.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
So, was this panel OUR panel? Did we get an onward assignment? Do we know where we are going? Did we get ANY sleep last night?? So there you have it. The next panel is scheduled for April 26th, so we shall see what happens then. Yes, that's pretty much... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2013 at A Daring Adventure
Until we will either get an email with an onward assignment... or an email telling us all about how everyone else in the universe (other than us) got an onward assignment (and we didn't)... or both... or neither... or whatever. Neither James nor I will sleep tonight because how can... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2013 at A Daring Adventure