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I was allowed to pay to advertise a novel where the man has a bare chest as you couldn’t see his nipple (though that is debatable). For a different book, the gentleman is fully clothed (without a cravat) but Amazon feel it’s too provocative as in the next scene they could potentially be naked. I suppose it could be argued that her dress is an undergarment. That’s the fun of self-publishing — she says smiling through gritted teeth — there’s always lots to learn.
Mary Balogh, on covers
Hi, Jo here welcoming bestselling author, Mary Balogh, back to the Word Wenches. I've been delighting in Mary's new covers, and so I'm happy that she wants to talk about the subject. Of course, we're looking forward to your views and comments, and one lucky commenter will win a copy of Mary's b...
I love Mary's covers but the topic of choosing an appropriate cover raises many issues for self-published authors. There are a distinct lack of suitable images (at an affordable price) which means you often have no option but to cut the head. Ironically, with Amazon, I’m not allowed to pay to advertise a cover where the couple is fully clothed as they deem it too implicit. While I agree with Mary’s point that writing from the soul is what’s important, to make a reasonable living is the only way you can keep writing. There is a pressure to conform to publishing standards in the hope of selling more books and breaking away from this is perhaps a little easier when you’re an established author.
Mary Balogh, on covers
Hi, Jo here welcoming bestselling author, Mary Balogh, back to the Word Wenches. I've been delighting in Mary's new covers, and so I'm happy that she wants to talk about the subject. Of course, we're looking forward to your views and comments, and one lucky commenter will win a copy of Mary's b...
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Oct 15, 2015
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