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Great video and analogy!
We need to get this put on shirts, mugs, and caps!
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2011 on Stay in your lane! at Whit on Business
If we remember that news of good customer experiences travels much slower than stories of poor experiences, we might be compelled to treat those "less than delightful" customers with an awesome experience anyway. Who knows, they may tell their more generous or financially able friends and family to patronize our business and we'll still reap the benefits in the long run!
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2011 on $ervice at Whit on Business
Great story! This is the type of experience that a customer would take the time to post to Yelp or another customer experience review site. Sadly, during my time working as a mystery shopper I never had these kind of experiences. Imagine the great customer experiences we'd all have if we remembered to treat each customer as if he or she was a mystery shopper...
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2011 on Simple things at Whit on Business
Well said. Unfortunately too many people in our society don't respect the work that those of us in service professions or public service positions do. Often times the assumption is we are engaged in the type of work they witness us doing because of poor life choices or limited education which couldn't be farther from the truth for many of us. One of the greatest lessons any parent can teach their child is the basic principle of UNCONDITIONALLY respecting others. I hope to remember this the next time I feel my blood pressure rising when the sanitation workers leave my garbage can three houses away!
Great mantra!
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2011 on Update at Whit on Business
This is awesome! I hope to remember to keep this kind of attitude when I'm working....especially at Old Navy when I often feel pushed to my wits end. You really never know who is paying attention to your work ethic, do ya! So...when are you treating to lunch?!
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2011 on The blessedness of focus at Whit on Business
Hmmm, we'll say he has very VERY poor vision. : )
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2011 on Does your biz stand out? at Whit on Business
How much does it cost to use this computer? Is it a kiosk? Surely it can't be a personal computer.
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2011 on Does your biz stand out? at Whit on Business
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Apr 12, 2011