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Adrienne Looman
southern california
Interests: Thank you for visiting! I'm 31 years old and the owner and artist over at . Additionally, I am the graphic arts manager at Websters Pages. It wasn't always that fact I worked as an air traffic controller for 7 years in the Navy before I left that chapter of my life to persue the arts industry. I have been very privileged to design products for some big brands the past 7 years and have fairly recently evolved into my own brand. I currently have two fabric collections out with more to follow, and also have a few big projects that I will reveal at the end of April 2013! On a personal level, I have a deep passion (second to design of course hehe) for traveling. I love viewing how other cultures live their lives and have been lucky enough to teach art in Holland, France, and even Brazil!
I am also married to a wonderful man <3 and have a stepson through him who is just the cutest little firecracker! There's also Bella- our little hyena haha. Just kidding, she's a dog, but she's definitely got her own thing going as far as looks ;-) .
Thank you so much for your interest in my designs and blog, and I hope you find them fresh and practical! Love you all!