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Using Woodys and Club Men, products made exclusively for men, Kristin and Keri will cut or color your hair to your exact specifications. They are experienced barbers who are skilled in all mens cuts, including des, buzzes, scissor cuts, and even Straight Razor cuts - a technique not often done... Continue reading
Some African American males allow their hair to grow long into hair styles such as dreadlocks. Dreadlocks require regular maintenance to help your hair stay healthy instead of lo unkempt. Monthly touch-ups can help your hair remain clean while removing pieces that have become damaged and broken. Your stylist can... Continue reading
BARBERLIFE.COM, BARBERS, HAIRSTYLISTS, HAIR CUTS & HAIR STYLES. HOW TO CUT HAIR&160;Learn how to cut hair like a pro withHAIRCUTTING VIDEOSthat shonew batber techniques & stylesw some of the most advanced barbering techniques today. 360 WAVESLearn different tips and techniques for&160;how to get waves. WAHL CLIPPERS,ANDIS CLIPPERS,OSTER CLIPPERS,DOG CLIPPERS&160;ANDHAIR CLIPPERS&160;Find... Continue reading
Barber Shaving TechniquesBarber Shaving Techniques. Getting that perfectly close shave has always been a man&039;s priority. Whether your job requires you to be fuzz-free... How to Become a BarberIn order to become a barber, a person must go to a beauty school or a barber school. Learn about the licensing...... Continue reading
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Aduedu1429 is now following Bruno Czekay
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Aduedu1429 is now following Sopian Pian
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Feb 3, 2012
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Feb 3, 2012
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Feb 3, 2012