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Authorities are continuing to evaluate evidence in the alleged attack on a gay Ohio teen whose mother believes may have been targeted due to his ual orientation. Video of the incident that appe... Madonnas Super Bowl XLVI Halftime Performance: Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Celine Dion Send Their Best Wishes ­?... Continue reading
FYI: New York&8217;s Finest sends it regards to you kiddo. keep on keeping on Japes Macrland Boy, Its a good thing that Dean College isnt part of the Boston Public School System!! gramps Your School system has become the laughing stock of the Nation! December 5, 2011 at 4:05 pmReply... Continue reading
Although they were still expecting a rush of applications late into the night, the Layette Parish School System has received more than 4,400 applications as of 5 p.m. Tuesday for the School of From the numbers that we have right now, I dont see anything surprising. Some of the newer... Continue reading
As the crowd erupted and the mantra D-G-B, M-I-ZD-G-B, M-I-Z echoed through the gymnasium atHillcrest (Springfield, Mo.), it became apparent that his decision to play football for Gary Pinkel at Missouri was the right decision in their hearts. While football is the sport that has been his podium for the... Continue reading
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Feb 2, 2012