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Buried in mounds of laundry, yarn, diapers and other nefarious things.
Recent Activity
If I win, I could tell you a nice little tale of me running around trying to find yet another hiding place so that hubby wouldn't realize yet MORE fabric has entered the home. Then the horror of my face when I realize that my daughter has sold me down the river when I specifically told her "Don't tell dad" and then me trying to frantically explain that I won it and didn't buy it. Oh I can smell the movie ;)
23 Reasons to win 2TWENTY-THR3E Fabric
Quilt Market isn't for a couple weeks, but we are giving away some of our soon-to-be-released 2TWENTY-THR3E fabric today! Here's 23 reasons to try winning this fabric: 1. It won't be in stores for months. 2. It looks great even before it's sewn into anything. 3. You can never have enough fabri...
Don't those just drive you crazy!
Five reasons not to use sarcasm on your toddler.
1. That blank stare. She could be calculating the square root of 1,278,461 in her head, but the faint smell of smoke and the abrupt change in conversation tells me "Mom, I don't understand, so I'll just ignore what you said". 2. Her new favorite word is Awesome. "Hey mom, I just spilt juice a...
I cleaned out all 3,257 bags I own and frogged everything over the summer. I was doing real good controlling the WIPs until the holidays and now I have startitis. Can't wait to see what you started!
I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and...
I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year is off to a great start! I'd thought about posting a sort of year in knitting review...then I realized I didn't finish anything last year! It would have been more of a UFO review. Since I don't do resolutions well, I'm resorting...
One of these days I'll actually be in town when you're here and not trekking across Texas! There's still no camera and I really wish I knew where she came up with this stuff. :)
Take a deep breath, now let it out. The holidays are over, the new year has begun and we can all go back to the seven circles of hell we like to call work. I made a resolution a couple of years ago not to make any more new years' resolutions (in my opinion, it's just setting myself up for fail...
Amanda is now following Susan R.
May 5, 2010
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