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Atlantic Canada
Recent Activity
Gasp!!! Wow, that is gorgeous!!! Love, love, love :) will be back to enter again :)
The Statement Bracelet - A Giveaway!
Men - don't run away! Today is for you too. I'm sure you have a female in your life. If not a wife, lover, sister, or mother ... than surely a friend? Today's giveaway item makes for a perfect gift! Big, fun, chunky, jewelry is "in" for the fall season. If you wear one big, chunky, piece of...
Agentninety9 added a link at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
May 19, 2010
Agentninety9 added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
May 12, 2010
Hmmm, I never thought I'd want to see Betty White naked, but thanks to you now I feel it's imperrative. I mean, is Betty a *natural* white or not? Inquiring minds want to know. Are her pubes as puffy and snowy as the hair on top of her head? Thanks... I will now always think about Betty's crotch when I see her. Then I'll think about how it's all your fault. Stop brain washing me.
I Want To See Betty White Do SNL Almost Naked: How About You?
I love Betty White. I think we can all agree that she's the best ever, but I'm not sure how I feel about her wearing sexy things. Don't get me wrong, she's hot, but she's a comedic actress. I just don't see her that way. But according to one website, out of those polled, 95% of people would like...
Agentninety9 is now following Bitchin' Amy
May 5, 2010
Ah yes, the spelling police. Really? Is this really what these people want to focus on when reading Cusack's twitter stream? Honestly, spelling and grammar would be the last thing on my mind when engaging in some banter with John-fucking-Cusack. I mean, hello... rawr!
Twitter "Trolls" Executed with Extreme Prejudice by a Spelling-Challenged John Cusack
Anyone who follows John Cusack's twitter feed knows that spelling is not his strong suit. Cusack tries to blame his iPhone and being "new at this" for his hapless misspellings, but no self-respecting former spelling bee winners are buying it. (In fact, his spelling is so bad it makes my inne...
That triple cartwheel at the end was like a riddle wrapped up in a riddle inside an enigma. Shudder.
Ross sisters - Solid Potato Salad (VHS quality)
Interestingly, I have a B&B and tourism here has been lousy lately. My waffle iron is begging to be used so my inner capitalist is taking orders, starting... Now!
America's Endless Eggo Shortage Still a Very Quiet Crisis - The Awl
Agentninety9 added a link at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 4, 2010
I find it interesting that careful attention to detail included a hair light, yet no one thought of, oh I don't know WAX or even a simple "ok, say cheese!"
No title
Agentninety9 is now following BHJ
Mar 2, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following Out-Numbered
Mar 2, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following Jen O.
Mar 2, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following AprylsAntics
Mar 2, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following Zoeyjane
Mar 2, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following MamaPop
Mar 1, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following Sweetney
Mar 1, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following Karen Sugarpants
Mar 1, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following motherbumper
Mar 1, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following MayoPie
Mar 1, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following Adam P. Knave
Mar 1, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following Her Bad Mother
Mar 1, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following schmutzie
Mar 1, 2010
Agentninety9 is now following temptingmama
Mar 1, 2010
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