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We need a better word for slime
Why are Americans so repelled by the texture of slime? Could it be because the word itself is so awful? What if we called it bounce instead? Would we like it better? Years ago, in Japan, I learned to love the clean taste and mysterious texture of grated yama imo - surely one of nature's slimiest...
The yam (yama-imo), in Suzuka city and Yokkaichi city of Mie prefecture, (jnensyo) with it is called. (Soba) with being used together, it increases that. With the very healthy food, at one of the healthy food of longevity, it is liked in the senior citizen. As for that, me we like. And, as for this taste, when the horseradish you insert, with very good stimulus and refreshing taste, stress takes, so is. Because of that, on front and back of the hot spring, this meal the one which is taken it is more, is. Pleasant information thank you.
We need a better word for slime
Why are Americans so repelled by the texture of slime? Could it be because the word itself is so awful? What if we called it bounce instead? Would we like it better? Years ago, in Japan, I learned to love the clean taste and mysterious texture of grated yama imo - surely one of nature's slimiest...
Ahahyeah is now following TypePad チーム
Aug 24, 2010
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