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Aimee Hix
Recent Activity
Piecing it all together ...
How do quilts and books intersect? Besides books about quilts, obvi. How does the making of a quilt intersect with the making of a book is the real question I want to answer. It seems clear to me but if... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2020 at My Weblog
In which we talk about reno ...
I suppose I should clarify. I do not speak of the city in Nevada that is chock-a-block with casinos and ski resorts. Instead I am talking about renovation. Home renovation. The only activity that we are stupid enough to attempt... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2019 at My Weblog
Filling in the impossibly busy shoes of Catriona
Morning, All! I'm filling in for Catriona today as she's ... well, impossibly busy. That's not even hyperbolic. I have no idea how she gets done all that she's been getting done. Is there a portrait in her attic of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2019 at My Weblog
My castle is sparkle-free.
I gave birth to a Disney Princess. I don’t know how it happened. Yes, I’d put in a request for a girl but I just figured I’d get a girl like the kind I was - a muddy, adventurous, tree-climbing,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2019 at My Weblog
Staycation ... Vacation ... How Two Authors Manage to Procrastinate the Same Way But Differently
If I leave the house more than once during the week to do something other than check the mail, it’s a big week. I'm not a shut in or disabled. I’m just lazy. Or more accurately, I’m a homebody. Offered... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2019 at My Weblog
And then there were two ...
Today is my first post as an “Empty Nester.” I put that in quotes because I still have a husband and three needy dogs to take care of. If my nest were truly empty I’d have to clean a lot... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2019 at My Weblog
Crazy Woman Log
Stardate 2019 June 18 We've journeyed to a new and exciting place. The environs is different than what we've come to treasure but have just as surely begun to outgrow. This second exploratory trip is our final before the five-year... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2019 at My Weblog
Doing hard things
The other day on Twitter, a young woman I didn't know posted that she felt like there was no point in writing because she could never be "as good as" some of the published writers she was reading. I decided... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2019 at My Weblog
Similar to NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNo, I did a 100 words for 100 days challenge. That simple.
At least 100 words for 100 days. If you missed a day, you had to start back at day one.
It was a small enough word goal that it didn't feel daunting and I routinely wrote much more than 100 words but I had flexibility if I was sick.
And the losing and starting over aspect really nailed my feet to the floor.
That was the beginning of my first book, WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU. :)
Camping Out
I’m up past my bedtime. Why? Some kind of April Fools’ joke on myself? No. I’m up until an hour that’s going to make it painful to get up for work in the morning because today (Monday, the day I’m writing this) is the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo. Many of you may be familiar with NaNoWriMo—Nati...
Okay, it looks like the best I can do is give y'all a link to my online album.
They're numbered in the viewing order.
Sorry, for the tech glitch. Typepad seems to dislike me for some reason. :)
The Big Reveal
Usually, the big reveal on a writers' blog would mean a cover but last month I promised you my new office would be revealed and so I deliver. Unfortunately, it's not as finished as I'd have liked because a nagging problem with my left wrist began to nag much harder, prompting surgery. I'm fine ...
Oh, no! None of the pictures have come through.
Let me see if I can fix it really quickly.
The Big Reveal
Usually, the big reveal on a writers' blog would mean a cover but last month I promised you my new office would be revealed and so I deliver. Unfortunately, it's not as finished as I'd have liked because a nagging problem with my left wrist began to nag much harder, prompting surgery. I'm fine ...
The Big Reveal
Usually, the big reveal on a writers' blog would mean a cover but last month I promised you my new office would be revealed and so I deliver. Unfortunately, it's not as finished as I'd have liked because a nagging... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2019 at My Weblog
Maybe you're a writer because of the head injuries.
I have a history littered with ER visits, stitches, concussions, broken bones and I like to think the experiences have contributed to my creativity. :)
Turns out you DO need your head
By Kris Neri, with the Femmes Fatales As strange as it sounds, I apparently tried to get rid of my head recently. Joe and I were checking out at Walmart, when we noticed one of the soup cans we were buying was badly dented. Don’t give me grief about shopping at Walmart. If you live in a small t...
Thank you, Nina! I've very excited about the new space. It's coming together really well and my 17yo daughter has taken over the furniture placement and design.
She leaves for college in six months so she says she's getting in practice for her dorm room set up. :)
Out with the old
I’m very fortunate in that I have a dedicated office in which to work. It is a ten-by-ten room off our master bedroom that used to be a bedroom but the original owner decided to connect with double doors. I’m sure in the UK or some other fancy place it’s called a dressing room or a sitting area ...
Out with the old
I’m very fortunate in that I have a dedicated office in which to work. It is a ten-by-ten room off our master bedroom that used to be a bedroom but the original owner decided to connect with double doors. I’m... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2019 at My Weblog
About 350 is my sweet spot, I'd say. Every once in a while Ill pick up an epic that's longer but for my day-to-day reading, which is almost always a mystery, I prefer the get-in, get-out whodunit.
The Long and Short of It
By Elaine Viets of the Femmes Fatales. Is it just me, or do mysteries seem to be getting longer? When I started writing mysteries, most contracts called for novels between 70,000 and 90,000 words. That's still standard contract language, and those books will run about 300 to 350 pages. But ot...
I love, love, LOVE Mrs Winterbourne!
The scene on the church lawn somehow manages to be horrifying, touching, hilarious, and suspenseful, all at the same time.
Comfort food for the screen
by LynDee Walker of the Femmes Fatales. There’s a whole subsection of scientific and psychological research on the human brain’s fascination with—and need for—stories. It’s how we learn, how we grow, how we hone our empathy skills for situations we may never experience ourselves. It’s also how w...
I need no rationalizations. Books are life!
By Catriona My book buying embargo (until I've read at least half of what's on my TBR shelf, or until Left Coast, whichever comes first) is beginning to bite. So a weekend of libraries seemed perfect. It kicked off at the palatial San Leandro Public Library on Saturday afternoon: It's a gorgeo...
A book listening party! What a terrific idea.
25 Reasons to Love Audiobooks: And How to Make Them More Affordable
By Joanna Campbell Slan for Femmes Fatales > 1. You can listen to an audiobook while you fold clothes. 2. You can learn how to correctly pronounce words from audiobooks. 3. No one knows what you’re listening to, so you can choose your genre without embarrassment. 4. Audiobooks don’t collect d...
We had a woodpecker that liked to peck on the iron door on the chimney. Not the aluminum cap but the outside of the fireplace that could be used to sweep out the ashes.
He must have had a very tough beak or he was very dumb because it made a terrifically loud noise.
Woodpecker gotta peck wood
by Donna Andrews of the Femmes Fatales. In August 2002 I moved into my house after years of apartment dwelling. There were many wonderful things about being in a house. A house with a yard. I could grow plants! I could play my music or my TV as loud as I liked, even tap dance around the house w...
I'm all caught up on Murdoch and Midsomer Murders.
My husband and I are binging Inspector Lewis and Warehouse 13 (re-watching).
I'm about to binge season 5 of Grace and Frankie ... and by about to, I mean when I'm not doing one of the eight million things on my to-do list. :)
What Do You Binge Watch?
By Elaine Viets of the Femmes Fatales. There's something about winter that calls for binge watching. On these long dark nights, I curl up by the TV with a bowl of hot popcorn and watch one show after another. Here are some of my favorites: Murdoch Mysteries: This Canadian series is set i...
If anyone is curious about the latest planner it's this one:
Clever Fox Planner is the foxes of the title. The Scots is, of course, Catriona.
Happy Day all!
The best laid planners of Scots and foxes
This is Aimee again … stepping in for Catriona this week because she’s got one too many things on her plate right now. Speaking of having many things to do …. I need to confess something. I have a problem. I’m a planneraholic. If I’m being totally honest I have a problem with all kinds of stat...
Toni, the only iron-clad, unassailable writing advice in my opinion is that of the late Robin Hathaway.
To quote: "Seventeen people is too many to kill in the first chapter."
Bad Advice
by Leigh Perry / Toni L.P. Kelner I'm going to be attending the science fiction convention Arisia in Boston this weekend, weather permitting, and I'm scheduled to moderate a panel about bad writing advice, so naturally I've been thinking about a lot of the advice I've heard over the years. Thoug...
Feelings, nothing more than feelings ...
I apologize for the late posting. Yesterday was a hectic day in our home as my beautiful, brilliant, clever, kind, warm, witty, wonderful daughter got her acceptance letter for her first choice college and there was much jumping and crying... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2019 at My Weblog
Duo Lingo, babe! Bits and bites on your phone whilst you're waiting in line or with a few spare minutes to fill.
Grandes Esperanzas 2019
Happy New Year from Catriona. You might think it's a bit late but my New Year doesn't start until after Twelfth Night, so 2019 is only two days old and the perfect day to talk of resolutions. I make NYRs every year. Last year they were: get fit, lose weight, learn Spanish, read Dickens, "get of...
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