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Aingeal dar Cathu
Southwest Bumblefuck Lake, Pennsylvania
Writer, gamerchick, nerd. Cranky, abrasive, sarcastic, unapologetically geeky; sense of humor either dry/sarcastic, awkward/lame, or all of the above simultaneously. Extremely loyal to friends, everyone else can suck my metaphorical dick.
Interests: anime, reading, writing, music/singing, playing console/handheld rpgs, but as i generally can't actually buy anything i'm usually a decade or so behind on what's around in any of my categories.
Recent Activity
Aingeal dar Cathu is now following Stefan G. Bucher
May 18, 2010
Aingeal dar Cathu is now following daisy barringer
May 18, 2010
Do you surf the Internet while you watch TV? What do you do or where do you go online in that time?
I don't actually watch much TV these days. Anyway, it's more like I do other things while I'm on the internet, rather than the other way around; the internet is my primary activity. Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2010 at Angel's EmoNonsense
Aingeal dar Cathu is now following Charlie Orr
May 18, 2010
Aingeal dar Cathu is now following The Typepad Team
May 18, 2010
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