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Scott Aisenstat
Recent Activity
Chad, thanks for taking the time to answer my posted questions. Both you and Vaughn were great sports.
Storage Smackdown!–posted!
A great webcast on – a lot of fun. THANK YOU to Cody Bunch and Damian Karlson at ProfessionalVMware for hosting the #brownbag – guys, thank you for inviting me! Vaughn (in the NetApp corner!) and I (in the EMC corner!) went back and forth for 30 minutes longer than the scheduled 60… These ...
Excellent article, especially so in the distinction made between certified and supported solutions. Licensing and support are the main, and oftentimes misinterpreted, factors for adopting Oracle virtualization. These two components can frequently kill a deployment before any discussions of performance or virtualization benefits even hit the table.
Even MORE reasons to run Oracle on VMware
If I told you that I could do something to make your most mission critical app: Perform better. Cost less. Have higher overall availaiblity. …you would either: A) assume I’m a vendor trying to sell you something and write it off as such; b) assume I’ve made an error – and ignore my advice; ...
Scott Aisenstat added a favorite at NetApp - The Virtualization Effect
Jun 14, 2011
Scott Aisenstat added a favorite at The Virtual Storage Guy
May 18, 2011
Scott Aisenstat is now following The Typepad Team
May 16, 2011
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