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Not to mention that a vast majority of internal combustion engines waste energy in the form of heat. All those mini explosions in those cylinders provide thrust to push the cylinders, but explosions also yield a lot of heat, light and infra-red waves. This is wasted.
An additional advantage that EVs have over ICs is that any source of electrical energy can be channeled to the EV's batteries. Whether solar, wind, hydro or wherever the source is as long as it can channeled as electricity it works. If you have severe range anxiety, buy a portable generator to carry in your EV.
DOE: 77%-82% of energy put into an electric car is used to move the car down the road
Unlike conventionally fueled vehicles, electric vehicles experience a loss of energy during “refueling,” with an energy loss of about 16% from the wall power to the battery during charging. However, electric vehicles are otherwise highly efficient, delivering 60%-65% of the energy from the wal...
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Sep 5, 2018
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