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It's true that we can get plenty myopic when it comes to the Oscars on a day like today, and certainly if you're judging the 15 shortlisted films on which had the most impact on an issue, WAITING wins that contest in a walk (with GASLAND probably second).
But they did wage a significant campaign to try to win the Oscar - they took out "For Your Consideration" ads, they pushed (although not too hard) for a Best Picture nod and they pushed very hard for an Original Song nomination. They just waged the campaign in a different arena than the one they were actually competing in.
Unraveling the Myths Behind SUPERMAN's Oscar "Snub"
Lots of folks were working overtime this morning, trying to reason out why Davis Guggenheim's WAITING FOR 'SUPERMAN' didn't get the Oscar nomination that so many (including us in our final predictions) forecasted. Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood website blames it the politics - arguing Guggenh...
AJ Schnack is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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