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Adam Krause
san francisco, california
expert procrastinator and all all-around guy
Recent Activity It's been a long time coming, but at this point, I'll take what I can get. Although I was hoping for a more open world, I'm still looking forward to the 50+ hours it's going to take to get through this beast. Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2010 at blurbs
Apologies for the title. The alternative was “Clouds on the Horizon”, "Cloudy with a Chance of Awesome" or some other weather analogy with an attempted flare of wit. I think a lot of interesting points are made in this article. It’s definitely worth the read, but it only touches on cloud computing and got me thinking about where we're going. Of course, backing up data and sharing it across devices is a given, but how will it impact the ways in which we consume media? We're already seeing moves from Comcast and AT&T with cloud DVR systems, and I'm... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2010 at digimite's analogue in binary
Ok... so if I have any readers yet, I will let you know how this works. I have 2 blogs - Blurbs & Digimite's "yada yada yada" (still working on the name). Blurbs is essentially a Tumblr without actually using I'm trying to take full advantage of my new... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at blurbs
today is the beginning of a new era. I am officially blogging. How truly San Franciscan of me. Someone get me a triple soy latte. Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at blurbs
Adam Krause is now following Kim Bach Le
Jan 8, 2010
Adam Krause is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 28, 2009