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Madison, WI
Interests: environmental education, family, nature, camping, hiking, kayaking, for a look at my personal life go to
Recent Activity
stepping away
Selling a house and relocating your family is a task that I would not wish on most people. Even when the reasons are joyous and wonderful, as our's are, selling a home and moving is never easy. I am feeling very overwhelmed right now with trying to keep my home... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
embrace the rain
It has been SO dry for SO long in WI that when the rain shower started you would have thought there was candy falling from the sky my kids were so excited. We celebrated the rain! The camera didn't come with us because it was actually raining pretty hard on... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
keep it simple
When you have two sick kids, a very sick momma and are trying to settle back in from a long weekend away the best thing to do is to keep life simple! Which we did today. But I was determined to also NOT plant the kids in front of movies.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
outdoor play link up and an honor
So for personal reasons that will be revealed soon enough I have had to step away from the online world (really the computer in general!) for a while. Which means that this week if you want to find the Outdoor Play Link Up you should head on over to Mama... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
our life right now...
is all about the deck! Demo, repair, add beams, fix stairs, replace almost everything...for twelve hours a day for the past several days you can find me here. Oh and we also fixed a doll highchair! Can you find it? I cannot tell you how blessed we are to have... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
the rockies with our little ones
There is no way I can sum up this trip in words. Where to start? Well, I will start by telling you why you should take your kids where we went! We backpacked in the Rainbow Lakes area in the Indian Peaks Wilderness. It was a bit tough to find... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
outdoor play link up - some dos and don'ts of hiking with little kids
My girls are mid-west hiking champs. They can do miles of trail without a whimper or whine. But mountain hiking is a whole new beast for us and one that we are still learning how to tackle. This week we have had a few chances to get the girls out... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
travel day one - a book to get me ready
I am on VACATION! WOOHOO! Which means I wrote this post several days ago and scheduled it to go up so that I could take a break from the computer and make memories with me kids! Sure they are just riding in the car memories at this point but still... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
fundanas on the trail
This past Christmas my mom gave me two Fundanas. The girls have been too young to really do much with them but I have used them before with groups through work. Anyway, Fundanas are bandanas that have either scavenger hunts or bingo games on them that are all nature related.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
a few preschool books to start your week
Got a few new-to-us books for you all to check out this week. Flying Eagle, Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen This book has great pictures! The story is all about one eagle's struggle to find a meal for his family. The girls loved seeing all the animals that the eagle was flying over.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
outdoor play link up - our week of outdoor play
This week I tried really hard to have something new for the girls to try during our outdoor play time each day. Here are the fun ideas that we tried out (and the great bloggers that shared the ideas!) - I made our first colored ice cube fun this week.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
let's go catch something
Gotta love a post nap child that looks at you and says "mom, let's go catch something!". What else can a mom say but "OKAY!". I was then instructed that "we will need nets, some buckets and our sucky things." HA! I knew right away she meant their new bug... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
our new bug tool
This weekend a colleague of mine introduced me to The Bug Sucker. He had a whole bunch of them and actually sold me two! I thought they were interesting and such a unique bug tool. The idea is that there are some kids that do not like to touch bugs... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
our everyday outdoor play = watering the gardens
So far so good people! It has been 5 1/2 months since I set the goal to play outside everyday, even if it was only for a few minutes. Lately our outdoor play seems to be totally wrapped up in our garden. The girls are just obsessed with watering and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
camping/backpacking with little ones
We are planning our first ever BIG camping trip with the girls this summer. Actually, we are taking them backpacking for the first time. During July we will head to Denver to hit up the foothill areas and then some higher elevation areas for two seperate backpacking trips; a two... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
outdoor play link up - preparing to teach on the trail
How can it be Friday already? This week has gone by so fast and I haven't posted nearly at all. Okay, that probably has to do with me reading The Help and the first book in the Hunger Games series. Instead of being on the computer in the evenings and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
strawberry picking
If you have not taken your child out to pick their own food of some kind (apples, raspberries, black berries, strawberries, etc.) you absolutely have to! Seeing your child find food that they can pick right off of the plant and eat in that moment is an amazing thing. Sure... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
a walk my soul required
Since I started this blog (almost two years ago!) we have been getting outside almost daily to play, ride bikes, visit a park, draw with sidewalk chalk, etc. And on a fairly regular basis we have gotten outside for bigger hiking adventures. But for the past few weeks our schedule... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
It is a good one! Hope you enjoy it.
possibly the best track and scat preschool book
Is it really Wednesday already? Where have the days gone? I cannot believe that I haven't posted since Friday! The long weekend was amazing. We partied with friends, had great family adventures, got garden work done, spent half a day at the outdoor pool and just had a ton of fun! Three days wit...
That is so fun that you cooked those at school! What a great idea. We did have to take showers after our fire because smoke is such a strong smell, can't imagine what would it be like after being around a forest fire.
our first backyard fire
Happy Friday! Happy June! Smoke in the eyes is not so fun! Smores with great friends! Just a little moment from our outdoor play today!
our first backyard fire
Happy Friday! Happy June! Smoke in the eyes is not so fun! Smores with great friends! Just a little moment from our outdoor play today! Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
possibly the best track and scat preschool book
Is it really Wednesday already? Where have the days gone? I cannot believe that I haven't posted since Friday! The long weekend was amazing. We partied with friends, had great family adventures, got garden work done, spent half a day at the outdoor pool and just had a ton of... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
Mine too! You should try taking your toddlers fishing. I had a very strict "if you don't listen we stop" rule and they both followed by instructions and listened perfectly. I let Sam cast the line out a few times but otherwise they both stood back while I cast and then Sam would sit with me or sit still on the rock and reel in the line. It couldn't have worked more perfectly. If you had a second parent there to help that would be even better! Next time we will go on a weekend when dad can be there to help out!
outdoor play link - fishing at the pond
Continuing the pond theme week with a trip to a different pond to do some fishing! And then we caught our first fish! After the excitement of our first fish we needed a break from fishing. So we went exploring around the pond. Have you ever stood that close to a muscrat before? It...
It was a blast! Totally took me back to my childhood and I loved that. You should try it. Even my youngest who wouldn't touch the fishing pole just loved seeing the fish and watching the whole experience.
outdoor play link - fishing at the pond
Continuing the pond theme week with a trip to a different pond to do some fishing! And then we caught our first fish! After the excitement of our first fish we needed a break from fishing. So we went exploring around the pond. Have you ever stood that close to a muscrat before? It...
outdoor play link - fishing at the pond
Continuing the pond theme week with a trip to a different pond to do some fishing! And then we caught our first fish! After the excitement of our first fish we needed a break from fishing. So we went exploring around the pond. Have you ever stood that close to... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2012 at Greening Sam and Avery
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