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Alexandre jaquet
IBM External Contractor, Java Specialist, IBM Filenet Specialist, IBM Core Supplier in behalf of ITAC
Recent Activity
You 're lucky I hate my syster ...
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If you enjoy that's inhalf :-)
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you 're dark vador !
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you 're not sexy :-)
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and that's criminal !
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I love it, that's so cute, but you than in several country people just buy them to put in a cage or small piece instead of having a real life ...
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lol by the way, I'm been watching the Simpson's show every week from monday to friday that will be pretty amusing to watch you in this show :-)
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If the "matérielle raison" is a sexy girl like you I can't answer me :-)
hmm that's sound like a sect will bring you in their group lol
Just laying out by the pool enjoying the sun. Such...
Just laying out by the pool enjoying the sun. Such a beautiful day! :)
too hot ;)
Paris Hilton Photos & Pics | Paris Tans Her Best Assets
gnagnagna you looks like a spy :-)
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that's about pop art can you guess he's name ? :-)
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I don't remember the name of the guy that did this new kind of art :-)
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Fishing is to boring :-) and all the fish except *filet de perche* don't have a good taste :) (but nevermind to find them in ocean)
Just got out of a bubble bath, waiting for the...
Just got out of a bubble bath, waiting for the yacht to come pick us up. Were going to go deep sea fishing to for some marlin. But of course I always put them back in the ocean. Or else I feel bad. But fishing is fun :) Have any of you guys ever scuba dived or went deep sea fishing before? Any co...
You could take some pics, but don't be afraid to be we wet :-)
Hey Everyone! The sun is out and I'm getting ready...
Hey Everyone! The sun is out and I'm getting ready to go scuba diving. :) Loves it!
You are afraid to be wet ? this is a joke ?
It's raining outside, so waiting for it to stop...
It's raining outside, so waiting for it to stop before we go on the yacht to go scuba diving. Rain, rain go away, come again some other day ;)
You 're the rigth girl for the rigth man :) enjoy your amazing life !
Paris Hilton Fairy Dust
Alexandre jaquet is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 19, 2010
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