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Alex Deane
Director of Big Brother Watch
Recent Activity
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How would that flow from Andrew's position?
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That's not true, Nonny. Relatives are often given the impression that they're being asked to exercise their _right_ to have life support machines switched off, but there is in fact no such right.
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You've skewered your own points admirably, "It doesn't add up..." - you can seek to deal with the specific, individual case concerned (in the analogy, the harrassing person making specific, harrassing calls) rather than turning off our telephones. Do you see the parallel, or..?
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I also note that the "who are you to judge the best tactics?" line you've taken above is typical: leave this to the experts, stay in line, don't ask questions, get the masters you deserve. Works for you, perhaps. Hasn't worked traditionally in this country, I'm glad to say.
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Au contraire. By your thinking, it wouldn't be the presence of the conspirators in the pub that was the thing to clamp down on - it's pubs, per se, for as long as you think suitable. And on that point, how reassuring that you say it's a temporary measure. Yes, with a duration for just as long as it's deemed necessary by the authorities. And next time, now much longer will this be? And thereafter..? And then, when it's appreciated that not having these free speech forums is rather convenient..?(You'll note that this is a point made in the original piece - *perhaps* you read it?) I think that your extended military analogy is pretty distasteful. We're not at war. But here's another one for you, if you don't want to engage on the points already on the table. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that it's this policy that attracts the applause of the Chinese Government? What does it tell you about our current thinking that it's this that has them saying, "oh, they're more on our wavelength"...?
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Fair enough. Putting your view of ND to one side, what do you all think about the issues?
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Come off it. I'm not advocating anarchy. I'm against people plotting to riot - but when they do so, it's *what they say* that's unlawful, not the forum in which they said it. If they met in pubs to plan, would you ban pubs?
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As I write, riots are raging in many parts of the capital. In amongst the principled arguments against excessive surveillance, we at Big Brother Watch have always mounted two additional, practical points: that all this surveillance often doesn't work, and it absorbs capital that might have been spent in other, more productive ways. Both authoritarian opponents and purists on our own side have sometimes criticised us for this. But surely it's obvious that: 1) Not one aspect of our ubiquitous surveillance network, erected to watch all of us all the time, just in case, has done anything to protect Londoners... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2011 at Big Brother Watch
I am neither Boo nor a Kipper but I do not think that (1) is nonsense.
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And so it begins. A credible boast from a repeat hacker that the data from Census 2011 has been leaked and is going to be released. Predictable - perhaps inevitable - but rather faster than one might have expected. Developing... By Alex Deane Hat tip: WF Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2011 at Big Brother Watch
The Telegraph had fun over the weekend with this story: from next year, GPs will receive a payment for every patient they advise to lose weight. This is planned even despite the fact that doctors already get money for keeping lists of those who weigh too much. Time for some basic, blunt truths. In a free society, the number of adults who are fat closely corresponds with the number of adults who choose to be fat. Granted, there are some - very few - who have genuine, medical conditions which mean they gain weight despite their own actions. But almost... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2011 at Big Brother Watch
At the risk of appearing (or being) immodest, I'd like to point to a link to a piece I wrote on this site about euthanasia:
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Very best of luck - I look forward to working with you.
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I think that Policy Exchange is first class and whilst I've never met David I look forward to working with him - but I must confess that my instinct is that Roger Helmer has a point. Platform 10 as a whole has an element of flattering itself as the home of "reasonable Tories" who are media-friendly, who bash "right wing" (i.e. real) Tories and hope thereby to gain credit in the eyes of others. I'm not saying that David is like that, but the piece that Roger has linked to read like that. Asking the crocodile to eat you last is never wise. Ditto whacking the most active groups on your own team.
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The confidentiality of personal data in the Census 2011 is not guaranteed:
Toggle Commented Mar 23, 2011 on A response to Amy Selman at Big Brother Watch
The confidentiality of personal data in the Census 2011 is not guaranteed:
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The ONS produces "Population Trends", a Quarterly publication of statistical analysis of demographics: population size, population change, births/deaths, life expectancy, abortions, migration, marriages. How on earth do they manage it when the Census is only once in every ten years?
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I'm not being "fatuous", Victor - I'm responding to an argument advanced very frequently in favour of the census. And as to "fulfilling obligations" to society I note that you didn't respond to this on the last thread about the census: can you not conceive of *any* law you would break on principle? (To repeat myself, I'm not claiming that the census is *the one*, but trying to establish a principle). Once again, I point out that if you *can* conceive of such a thing, then this position of yours is rather peculiar. Do give it a go and respond this time.
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First of all, thanks for the "usually right", Anon! Secondly, putative Deane descendants or no, as I pointed out in the last thread on this topic - do you think we should be obliged to fill out forms on the basis that it will be helpful for someone's hobby in 100 years?
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