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An uber-infertile, suburbanite wannabe farmer but clinging to city roots mother of an adopted Guatemalan daughter and overseer of a menagerie of pets, husband, and hopeful owner of an organic Bed and Breakfast!
Interests: Infertility, Menageries, Gonal-F, Guatemalan adoption, Dogs, Cats, Natural living, Homeopathic, Hippy Dippy Tree Huggers, David the Husband, IVF, Gourmet Food, Foodies, United Colors Of Benetton Clan, Alejandra! Chickens, Goats, Urban Farming, Gardening, Sustainable Living,
Recent Activity
THIS shit freaks me the fuck out :)
Confessions Of A Dumbass - The Daddy Warbucks
Several times a year I meet up with friends, most of them Dad's, for "investment club". Investment club is an auspicious event in all regards, but if we were being honest we should really just call the night "hamburger club" and be done with it. Yes, there is always some talk of IRA's, 401k's a...
alex is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
ohhhhh poor baby. How scary!
My day was interesting, how was yours?
This afternoon, in the middle of a meeting I suddenly heard a loud thud followed by a yell. Adam had fallen and bumped his head. It is always difficult to tell whether Adam is seriously hurt because Adam is rather fond of regular and intense crying. I put him on my lap and soothed him (in othe...
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