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Alexia M
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Interests: travelling, movies, music, animals, europe, greece, france, cyprus, reading
Recent Activity
I think positive.... hence I exist! Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A 'you can do it' when things are tough. Believe me, this does not belong to the sphere of the imaginary. It is real and it's a booster!
Toggle Commented Nov 8, 2013 on Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining at Anastasia
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This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing, Anastasia.
Toggle Commented Oct 27, 2013 on What is Logical but Not Legal? at Anastasia
1 reply
Wow! This sounds like the perfect vegetarian snack to me. I've never baked with fyllo either, but I am very willing to try this pie, especially because I love feta cheese and all the great leafy greens of the ingredients.
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Sounds like you two had a very romantic weekend away. I know Coral Bay Hotel in Paphos. It's a fabulous resort. I wish you from the bottom of my heart tons of love and happiness now and always.
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When I don't work on Sundays, I go to the movies, hang out with friends, relax at home or visit my parents in Rotterdam if I have the weekend off work. I also enjoy reading occasionally.
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2013 on Always on Sundays at Anastasia
1 reply
The ship looks awesome!!! Glad to see you and Alkis had such a wonderful time on the cruise. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous...can't have enough looking at them. I've been to Rhodes, Kos and Samos and I would like to visit Chios. I had never heard of Leros before. Is it near kos?
1 reply
Amazing photos of Coral Bay! Thanks for sharing, Anastasia.
Toggle Commented Aug 13, 2013 on Coral Bay, Paphos-Cyprus at My Photo Blog
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Alexia M added a favorite at My Photo Blog
Aug 13, 2013
Alexia M added a favorite at Anastasia
Aug 13, 2013
Alexia M added a favorite at Anastasia
Aug 13, 2013
That is a great vegetarian starter I'd love to taste. They look like the stuffed vine leaves you make in Cyprus. I have never tasted them when I lived there because of the ground meat in the filling. I really didn't know about the vegetarian version.
1 reply
Alexia M added a favorite at Anastasia
Aug 5, 2013
The prickly pears in your plate look so inviting! I wish I could grab them all!!! :-) I first tasted them in Cyprus a few years ago, when one of my co-workers in Limassol had brought some at the office. I loved them so much but I didn't dare to peel and clean them! Then my great neighbor, Androulla, would often offer me quite a few nicely peeled and I'd devour them! You know, Anastasia, in Amsterdam no one would ever take the trouble to clean and peel any fruit for the foreign neighbor. It's not a matter of raciism, it's a matter of culture, I guess. Throughout the summer, Androulla would bring to my door freshly peeled prickly pears at least once a week. One day, I insisted on paying for them but she felt so embarrassed that I never dared to ask again. You can find prickly pears in the Netherlands, but they are definitely not as tasty as the ones in Cyprus. Not long ago, there was afruit stand near my home where I could find prickly pears imported from Cyprus! I was so excited that I got a dozen and kindly asked the shop keeper to peel them and clean them for me. Ironically, I had to pay not only for the fruit but also for the peeling and cleaning.
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Alexia M added a favorite at Cypria
Jul 22, 2013
Alexia M added a favorite at My Travels
Jul 22, 2013
Thank you so much for the photos. They are great! I'll send you a copy of my brochures for summer 2014 as soon as it is published. Here in Amsterdam it's as hot as hell. We got 30 C today!!! When I lived in Cyprus 30 C was cool enough or pleasantly warm but here it's suffocating! Oh how I wish I was lying on that gorgeous beach of Trani Ammoudia!!! AND I don't have air condition in my apartment!
Toggle Commented Jul 22, 2013 on Second Chance - Chalkidiki, Greece at Anastasia
1 reply
Being vegetarian, I like your salad best. Fresh coriander? I'll look for it in Amsterdam.
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Alexia M added a favorite at Anastasia
Jul 17, 2013
By the way, I would like to ask for permission (once more!!) to use some of your great photos in my brochures. They're amazing! I so loved the ones of Trani Ammoudia and the seagulls. As always I will include a link to your blog.
Toggle Commented Jul 17, 2013 on Second Chance - Chalkidiki, Greece at Anastasia
1 reply
Anastasia, I can fully understand why you didn't want to go back to Chalkidiki after all your misfortunes the first time. My boss says I am an expert at planning the perfect holiday for our clients, but sometimes the perfect holiday doesn't seem to work. I've only been to Chalkidiki as a tour operator, so it was too much work and no play. I wish I could take a vacation in the summer so that I could spend a few days in Sithonia, which is the best of the three peninsulas. Chalkidiki is dead in November when I plan my vacation. Most hotels are closed and the weather is mostly lousy.
Toggle Commented Jul 17, 2013 on Second Chance - Chalkidiki, Greece at Anastasia
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Alexia M added a favorite at Anastasia
Jun 15, 2013
All the days of the week are the same for me. From Monday to Friday, I work at the office trying to plan the perfect holiday for my customers. But very often , I need to finish projects at home in the winter, and in the summer I usually travel around Europe to hear my customers'complaints and find a solution! This covers Saturdays abd Sundays!
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2013 on Fridays in June at Anastasia
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Alexia M added a favorite at English Today
Jun 15, 2013
lol! lol! lol! Great cartoons! And thanks for explaining that loud can be used to describe funny clothes. For example, can I say "She put on a loud floral dress for the party."
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2013 on Easily Confused Words 10 at English Today
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Alexia M added a favorite at Anastasia
Jun 9, 2013