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Alex Sullivan
Recent Activity
A sequal would be amazing if it was kept on pandora, and with the same characters, would love to see more of pandora and its wildlife.
i just cant belive how effective to scenary was in avatar, i found it hard to readjust to the real world after coming out of the cinema i just hope there is a planet out there like pandora.........
keep the films coming i vote
AVATAR: Will There Be a Sequel?
Ready for an AVATAR sequel? James Cameron has no objection if AVATAR is successful, but hints about it are tough to come by. If there is a sequel, one of Cameron's first stops for ideas is the video-game wizards at Ubisoft, and Cameron says AVATAR's time-intensive motion-capture technology "ma...
I watched the film yesterday, not really knowing...
I watched the film yesterday, not really knowing what to expect, i came away wishing that there really was a planet out there like Pandora, i have never felt a connection to a film until i watched Avatar, once the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2009 at AVATAR
Alex Sullivan is now following AVATAR
Dec 20, 2009
Alex Sullivan is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 20, 2009
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