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Hi Martina!! Can't wait to see what you create. I am sure that your first sewing project (and all to come) are going to be beautiful. Would like to see garments for little boys (I am a momma of a three years old toddler and sometimes is so hard to find lovely sewing projects for them). I love seeing all those tiny dresses and skirts projects out there, but I'd like to sew for him something special too!! (Perhaps fellow boy's mommas are waiting for projects like these too) ;) thank youuu! ALEXANDRA @alextilalila
Introducing Our Newest Blog Contributor: Martina
Hello, AGF friends! So pumped to be part of this amazing creative blog and get to know everyone. My name is Martina and I just recently joined the AGF Marketing team. I’m incredibly excited to start sharing photos and talking with you all on social media. Before I go ahead and tell you more ...
Alextilalila is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 15, 2017
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