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Alf gang clubhouse
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She gotta feed that ass!!!!
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Lakers vs heat!! As soon as we get dwight though. No rings for punk ass I ride my bike with my helmet ass princess james
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haha call him out skip.. He dont want none. But nah Skip is good tv. he good at what he does. He likes to get under folk skin and he does. That Chris bosh debate was priceless especially when he said no im going to keep calling you bosh spice until you prove otherwise. Skip dont back down from nobody.
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Wonder how many folk will show up to this shit
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Aye lil nigga. You dont see this fool bout it bout it call you a bitch and saying fuck you?? You better do something or I aint letting you in the house tonight!!! Your manhood is on the line. Make your ole man proud.
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Aye lil man no reason to get all mad and shit, but did you just say and i quote "I run shit no 1 else. im the caption this vet" You didnt say that did you? I must be tripping.
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No it just proves that you are a son of a bitch......Literally
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I dont like the words "man handling" coming out of your mouth given your track record. Plus if my stepson says that youve been "man handling" him imma kick ya ass.
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Exactly, That bout it bout it nigga is beyond repair. Aint no hope for his ass. Hes a bad influence on the lil guy. tryna to get him to watch porn and shit. Him and that lil nigga gunot killa. I dont trust that lil nigga. I swear i fell asleep on the couch one day when them two were playing and i when i woke up my kush sack was missing. Let me know if you see the lil nigga cause imma whip his ass old fashion style
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What?? Now i know you aint been going to the tutor. Pacino right we going to have a family meeting with your moms and the other alf niggas that running the household. Hell i might even tell your pops he can come out the garage for this one. This shit gotta stop.
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Dayum i see you still on my nuts!! You didnt get that autographed alf mask replica i sent you. You know i like to keep my fans happy.
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Damn lil nigga, i tell you im proud of you and you respond in a insulting way??
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Damn that bitch got a dumb ass.
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You mustve started going to the tutor again,using words like primitive. Keep it up lil nigga. You making stepdaddy proud!!!!
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LMAO!!!! Damn what a roast. Yall aint gotta do that nigga like that. DAMN!!!!
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Whatever lil nigga you mustve put too much sugar in your frosted miniwheats this morning. All i know is you better have that sidewalk and driveway salted or im going to drive you to school tommorow and slap you in front of your lil friends just for the hell of it.
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Aye lil nigga you better cut that shit out before i beat that ass. Keep on and imma make you sleep in the garage with your punk ass daddy.
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Fighting over this sucka ass nigga.. SMH. Money Matters!!!!
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Hey lil man??? How was school today? And what you learn? But i just wanna apoligize for not being able to make it home in time enough to play catch with you yesterday. Me and your moms was out grocery shopping; them food stamps came yesterday.. I tried to tell her i promised you but she was like "fuck it, that lil nigga will be straight". I must admit that shit turned me on!! A bitch thats so gone that shes like fuck her kids!!! I swear that bitch a keeper. You should be honored!!!
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Your shit sucks more and more by the day. SMH. Give it up lil man. Its not for you.
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first shyne now this nigga!! Damn what Diddy be doing to these niggas that make them wanna get all righteous and shit??
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Hell yeah i gotta give you props for bringing the bitch to the Clubhouse Christmas dinner. Them biscuits she made had a nigga stuffed!!! She had the lil niggas moms jealous as shit
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Yeah them niggas was asking for it. Putting out dvds and putting up billboards and shit. They made the feds job easy.
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My nigga!!!!! Hell yeah that extra 3k going straight to upgrading the chain. But me being the nigga i am Imma break my fellow soldier off with a nice lump sum.
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