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Re: shades--I know the ones they recommended are from Ikea, but those aren't the ones we bought. We purchased some cheap-ass ones from, uh, somewhere else. Scott bought them, so I am no use to you.
Toggle Commented Oct 28, 2010 on Kelly and Olive, Part II at finslippy
Megan, thank you, and I get it, I really do. Listen, just the sleep deprivation alone entitles you to some bitching. I would be gritting my teeth at me too.
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2010 on Write blog post: check! at finslippy
Excuse me, Megan? What did I say, exactly, that warranted this kind of response? I don't know what you're so angry about, but it surely isn't my innocuous post about not having enough hours in the day. I think we can all agree that that's a fairly universal complaint. As for your belief that writing doesn't take up a lot of time, that leaves me sort of speechless. If you want me to go into detail about the multiple projects I currently have and how much time they each take up, I mean, I can send you a timesheet, but I think you'd be bored senseless.
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2010 on Write blog post: check! at finslippy
I have to say, Megan, this is a little irritating for me, because *I am* a working mom. I make more than half of my family's income, and I have to do it in a relatively small window of time. As long as we're comparing whose scenario is worse.
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2010 on Write blog post: check! at finslippy
Paula, I have about ten metrocards, because every time I lose one I buy another, and then Scott finds them all over the place and is all, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU."
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2010 on Write blog post: check! at finslippy
Actually, my post for next week is "The Phone Book: Who Needs It?" I plan to become the next Andy Rooney. Marinka, I'm going to have to teach you the use of the "smiley emoticon." Or perhaps the term "LOL."
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2010 on Write blog post: check! at finslippy
I thought Marinka was joking! And I still think so. MARINKA?!
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2010 on Write blog post: check! at finslippy
Kate, I once visited a bathroom wherein you could see over the door if you were *sitting*. That was awkward.
Toggle Commented Aug 25, 2010 on Here's a story about the bathroom. at finslippy
AND! You didn't rudely do anything. I said hello to YOU. Just for the record. xo
1 reply
Thank YOU. You made my night. I mean that. And this post, well. It sort of stuns me, to be honest. In the best possible way.
1 reply
mlcwildlifepr, I'm not in control of the book proceeds, but I am donating my fee to a local shelter.
Toggle Commented Aug 3, 2010 on Charlie and Me at finslippy
Toggle Commented Aug 3, 2010 on Charlie and Me at finslippy
Sayfoo, the color is "Yellow Highlighter," by Benjamin Moore. I must say, I was a skeptic, but it's really nice in a kid's room.
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2010 on Home at last at finslippy
It was! SCORE!
Toggle Commented May 18, 2010 on Four days! at finslippy
I *know* we do, Lisame. Fun!
Toggle Commented May 12, 2010 on Ten days at finslippy
I don't read Anna Quindlen, Anne, so no, I didn't steal the line. I am sure I am not the first person who's made that observation.
Toggle Commented Apr 29, 2010 on The night before last at finslippy
Listen, I think we can ALL AGREE that Q is superior, but I was making a joke about being on DRUGS, and what do you see when you look down at your keyboard? What letter is right there in the middle? Next post I will tackle banishing anxiety completely.
Toggle Commented Apr 20, 2010 on Better! at finslippy
I'm alive! I'M ALIVE! my apologies. Extended Spring Break is kicking my ass. More later. TOMORROW! I PROMISE!
Blabbermouse: it is all I can think about. These people need to be watched. Carefully.
Katie Ann, my dad's name is on a plaque on the moon! I bet your grandpa's is, as well!
Toggle Commented Mar 19, 2010 on To the moon! at finslippy
My dad is really, really un-little, Miss B. And I think he would cast a stern eye at the idea of being forced to drink tea and/or play board games. If you want to discuss German literature over some Johnny Walker, however, he'd be up for that.
Toggle Commented Mar 19, 2010 on To the moon! at finslippy
Just look him square in the eye, then turn away and state, "We just kissed." It's just like doing it!
Toggle Commented Mar 17, 2010 on They just kissed, you guys. at finslippy
Anna, what are you talking about? I never attacked anyone in that piece, and I said nothing in there that I wouldn't say to Jane Brody to her face. I was trying to be funny. You don't get that, fine. You don't like my humor? You are free to not read. You clearly arrived here in attack mode, and you don't like me, so why don't you go away now? Bye.
Toggle Commented Mar 17, 2010 on In the locker room at finslippy
Thank you, AJ! I like you too. You all. But especially you.
Toggle Commented Mar 17, 2010 on In the locker room at finslippy