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Alice Gunther
I am a Catholic wife and mother of nine.
Interests: Catholic education and devotion, literature, teatime, crafts for children, poetry, nature study, Traditional Latin Mass
Recent Activity
Absolutely incredible! I just purchased the book and cannot wait to read and see the perfect illustrations.
1 reply
This is tremendously beautiful! Happy birthday, dear friend. Xoxo
1 reply
No, unfortunately, I cannot. It was on a holy card, but I do not recall seeing an artists name. Good luck finding the artist. It is a lovely painting. Sent from my iPhone
Genevieve, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful comment. It is better than a Christmas present! :) Sent from my iPhone
Toggle Commented Dec 12, 2010 on The balcony at Cottage Blessings
Love it!
Toggle Commented Oct 14, 2010 on A few words about Ophelia and Cathy at Mixed Moss
Thank you so very much, Loretta. I so appreciate it. Sent from my iPhone
Toggle Commented Oct 5, 2010 on Hello at Cottage Blessings
The honor was ours, Aria. Thank you for not only fitting it perfectly, but also getting it to New York on time with very short notice. You are a gem! Thank you, everyone, for your kind words! Sent from my iPhone
I do have compassion for all the victims of heinous crime, particularly at the hands of priests. But I do not accept an incomplete and misleading report by the New York Times. No one should. Sent from my iPhone
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2010 on "Besiege the New York Times" at Cottage Blessings
Alice Gunther is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
No, as a matter of fact, they never did! The house we actually bought had dusty rose walls in the girls room, so we left it as is.
Toggle Commented Feb 20, 2010 on Goodnight Brown at Cottage Blessings
I will be praying for all your intentions. Love, Alice Sent from my iPhone
Thank you so much, Sarah. You are gracious and beautiful, as always! Sent from my iPhone
Toggle Commented Dec 9, 2009 on The Walls Have Ears at Cottage Blessings
Many thanks--I certainly will pray for them!
Toggle Commented Nov 30, 2009 on No coincidences II at Cottage Blessings
Stella DOro is indeed out of business. (I just googled to confirm your suspicion and found a news story on it.) I am truly shocked to hear it, because it is such a popular brand in this part of the country. There are so many offerings in the Guadalupe Tea and Jesse Tea that I would skip the Angel Wings and Crescent Moons altogether. Or use refrigerated crescent rolls for the crescent moons and perhaps store-bought Madelines or bakery cookies for the wings. (Great idea about the toddler star puffs!) Thanks for the kind words, Tracy--and everyone!
Toggle Commented Nov 30, 2009 on No coincidences at Cottage Blessings