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Aline added a photo at Post the Love
This past weekend I met one of the most remarkable people I will ever meet in my life. It was an unexpected meeting of the minds, heart and soul. It was shocking enough, in a good way, to make a change in my train of thought towards positive/negative energy, hope, understanding and love. Rose and Krystal, Thank you for your beautiful souls and sharing this unexpected weekend with me. We shared stories, laughter and tear (mostly mine hehe), making our bond stronger thru a new friend. So here I am to post the love for this individual, Marala Scott: Marala, You are a huge force of energy and your spirit is beautiful. Everything that comes out of your mouth is supportive, nurturing and an ass whooping of truth all in one. You are a mother, a wife, an author, an inspiration and now a dear friend of mine. Thank you for all your shocking acts of Love.... Aline
Feb 22, 2010
He most definitely is! :) I just discovered him last week. I love this song...
Commented Feb 23, 2010 on Matt Morris - LOVE at Post the Love
Aline shared a video on YouTube at Post the Love
Feb 22, 2010
Aline is now following Channing Tatum
Feb 22, 2010
Aline is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 22, 2010