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Aliscia Hicklen
Atlanta, Ga
Single Mother,Writer and Medical Assistant
Interests: health, family, i am interested in politics, christianity and love
Recent Activity
why are we as Americans so destined to make sure that people pay for wanting to right the wrongs in this world? for the past week. I seen so many signs that our country is in trouble by how the reaction was to the historic Health care bill passing, people who disagreed wanted to make sure that those that voted for it didn't live to see the light of day, they mad constant threats on their lives, vandalizing their properties etc. I almost convince myself maybe we did they wrong thing by passing it, but then I would be giving... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
right now I am not sure of what to do with my life and I at some point is feeling like I need to just call my life what it is, a failure, I am looking around and I am seeing things are not getting any better for me. I am tired of this life i have, I am falling apart, I am lost and I don't know how long I can go on, I failed myself in so many ways, I wanted my parents to be proud of me, I wanted my family to be proud of me.This is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
God, I feel so used. he hurt me. I feel like I just got ran over by a semi-truck. the pain is so severe. I try to erase the it, but it keeps coming back. How could I allow myself to feel anything for this person. Jesus needs to intercede because i am about to fall apart.Today, I am sitting crying, I beginning to actual think little of myself, feeling like I failed. God please help me because the pain is too great. Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
When I was growing up I always wondered if I really had what it takes to be beautiful. I was picked on growing up and started looking at my self as not pretty. Since no one like the way I looked, I figured I shouldn't. I began to have low self esteem at an early age about myself and started to question why God made me this way. I was always told that I was beautiful by grown folks, but never by my peers. I felt like everytime they said to me you were ugly or not fit to be... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
Aliscia Hicklen is now following Paris Hilton
Jan 28, 2010
Aliscia Hicklen is now following Sarah Jackson
Jan 28, 2010
Aliscia Hicklen is now following Annie
Jan 28, 2010
See certain men have this ability to trick women in to thinking they truly are interested in you. They say everything you want to hear. They give an impression that their eyes are only for you and no one else, and it could be true, but what if you live in another state then he does, how do you know if you are the only one he is talking to. see Men have this way where if a woman is not smart enough to know the signs of a man when he is dishonest, they will blindside you. See for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
I was looking on the T.V at the tragedy that went on in Haiti, how an already suffering City is dealt another blow in to there livelihood. Some who already were on the brink of going off the edge, was pushed off with this earthquake. but no matter what, some still have hope, I seen a part in one of the news coverages where a group of Haitians gathered together and started singing spirtual songs of hope and peace.No matter how bad things are, how devastating, they still kept their heads up, I look at it like this, why I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
Today at 6:00 am, I get up and get Jasmine ready for school, I turn on the T.V, just like I always do every morning to a show called "Morning Joe", which is a show based on politics. Even though I am not fond of the Conservative Host, Joe Scarborough because of his beliefs, I listen to others on the show who have different thoughts like I do on the subject. I was not a fanatic of Politics until I campaigned for Pres. Obama in his White House Run. Today, I was disturbed in what I heard today, especially after... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
is disgusted with people who talk stupid Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
I am not one to go off rambling, that is not my thing, so I am going to get straight to the point. I am so tired of struggling to try to get it right in my life. I lost everyone I became close to in the last couple of years due to bad decisions making, I tried to move elsewhere to start again, but my past keeps following me or should I say haunting me. I cry every waking night, I can't sleep because of the overwhelming fear of facing a new day. I am trying to give my... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
Aliscia Hicklen added a favorite at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
Jan 9, 2010
it may not look easy at first, it may even be challenging, but at the end of the day life can be enjoyable when you allow yourself the ability to love. Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2010 at Aliscia Hicklen's blog
Aliscia Hicklen is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 9, 2010