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Alison Fennell
Recent Activity
Alison Fennell is now following Ashley
Sep 29, 2011
THE most unusual and stylish mod nursery I have seen - Love it!
SLEEP: Cribs from Ubabub
I'm getting really excited to see some coverage of the ABC Kids Expo held in Louisville, Kentucky. With over 900 exhibitors, it will no doubt be one amazing show. It's a total shame I don't still live in Tennessee or you better believe I would be there in person! Sigh... The show ends today, and...
Happy Day indeed - I love these lights! Simply stunning and so rich and fun!
ENJOY: Lights from La Case de Cousin Paul
I am so wishing there was a store like this in NYC. Sadly, they are only in France. Boo. It seems like such a cool idea - assemble your own light strand using tons of different colored balls. So many kids would have a hey day with this! I really can't think of anything more cheerful than a stran...
Want all of them NOW! What happy and sattvic colours and designs! Just moved into my own home and woul dlov ethese to lift it - Alison
ENJOY: Lights from La Case de Cousin Paul
I am so wishing there was a store like this in NYC. Sadly, they are only in France. Boo. It seems like such a cool idea - assemble your own light strand using tons of different colored balls. So many kids would have a hey day with this! I really can't think of anything more cheerful than a stran...
Absolutely enchanting and so unique - I would spend ages looking at all these pretties! Alison
ENJOY: Cute Finds from Mokkasin
I stumbled across this adorable Swedish shop, Mokkasin, with the sweetest little items. (Also check out the Mokkasin blog! You will love it). These were some of my favorite discoveries. I think I like the "You Make Me Happy" banner the most. :) That just says it all. Storage boxes + Banner P...
Alison Fennell is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 29, 2011
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