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I work at a newspaper, I play on the Web, I'm sing when I'm able, I'll sleep when I'm dead
Interests: News, media, music, social media, writing, the San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland), journalism, the web, blogging, community, business, books, art, race, ethnicity, politics, current events, music
Recent Activity
Permanent exhibits require more than curation. They require museum directors with vision, a healthy mix of types of sponsorship and a marketing department. At a certain scale, that's a lot for one person if your name isn't Maria Popova If you're an organization, it's an even more difficult and urgent proposition.
Part of my interest is in the upscaling of Business Intelligence. No, I don't mean scalability in the classic computer science context, I mean in the class contest from going middle class to upper middle class and beyond. What I'm saying is that most of BI is downright dowdy. But dowdy as compar...
In an interview with Philip Roth, Milan Kundera said, “When I hear learned arguments that the novel has exhausted its possibilities, I have precisely the opposite feeling: in the course of its history the novel missed many of its possibilities.” If so many musicians are comfortable with returning to the past to pick up lost possibilities, we might do well to let go of our allegiance to our heroes, so that more of their work can reveal itself.
The One Where I Made Peace With Being Grown
"I have always been this good, you were just laughin' too hard to listen." - Childish Gambino, Difference I've been joking with increasing frequency about how I'm becoming an Old. I'm not really serious but the grown up moments happen more and more often. Tiffany helped me select my benefits pac...
What about Post Mortem?
Leigh Van Valen, Evolutionary Biologist, Dies at 76
Dr. Van Valen, who died in Chicago on Oct. 16 at the age of 76, changed the conversation about how life works in 1973 when he put forward “a new evolutionary law.” Others call it Van Valen’s law. Based on the study of fossils, it states that the length of a species’ existence says nothing about ...
George added a favorite at hello typepad
Nov 6, 2010
Well played. *slow clap*
The Definition of a Slow News Day
I could go all defensive about this piece on Valleywag about our extravagant Disneyland trip, but I won't. Instead, I'll be gracious and help Owen during these troubled times for Valleywag. Here's a couple of story ideas based on a few photos from our weekend. Enjoy! ...
Great podcast, man. It went over very well at Lap-POP 2.0.
Podcast #22: LapPOP!
(Thanks, American Rhetoric!) Space: The final frontier These are the voyages of the Starship, Enterprise Its 5 year mission To explore strange new worlds To seek out new life and new civilizations To boldly go where no man has gone before (The Star Trek Lyrics You Probably Never Kne...
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