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Sarah Al Marashi
Recent Activity
Safe journey and all the best. May you have patience, wisdom, love and laughter to get you through the next few weeks of un-packing and settling in and when things get tough just remember, you came, you left & you conquered. This is your dream so enjoy every second of it coz not many people get to make their dreams into a reality. I am inspired!
Adieu Dubai
I am saying goodbye to Dubai after six years, but it's a feeling of deja vu as I've been here before. I arrived in Dubai May 1989 fresh off the plane from a small island off the UK, full of great expectations and excited about what the future would hold - Dubai did not disappoint! 1989 was a s...
Whatever you do don't stop blogging. You took a great step and you have got me hooked on finding out what's going to happen next. You just happened to a program that isn't as easy to navigate through as some of the other bloggers :) But that's ok. I love your writing style and as long as you are enjoying it, stick with it & do it without expectations. Safe journey my dear and I wished we had met earlier than that fateful night because I would have loved to get to know you better.
Gosh it has been a long time since I last posted anything on this blog - May 20th and I know a few of you have been wondering what's been going on, so let me tell you ..... It's had me baffled actually and I've been giving it plenty of thought over the past couple of weeks as to why I have had t...
Sarah Al Marashi is now following Mama B
May 16, 2010
Sarah Al Marashi is now following Sam Preston
Apr 9, 2010
Sarah Al Marashi is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 9, 2010
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