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amanda p. wu
southern taiwan
Interests: falling deeper in love with both my gracious heavenly father and my gloriously funny and exceedingly patient hubby, i also enjoy languages, brain teasers, photos, words, bright happy flowers, living in taiwan, and our cute little dog
Recent Activity
Hi Vicky, I had my students use the one at this URL: Hope that helps.
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2010 on learning styles at following an unknown path
1 reply
Hi Shao-Ling. Congrats on your upcoming marriage!! Thanks for taking the time to comment; it's nice to meet you too. amanda
Toggle Commented Jul 11, 2010 on a new year, a new blog at following an unknown path
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I LOVE the very last line of your post: "And, if you’ve already got too much going on, I invite you to not join in and simply be and enjoy." :D I might just borrow it someday . . .
Toggle Commented Dec 7, 2009 on Ken The Wise Man at (In)Courage
Your journal is SO cute!!! I too looked at Jodi's store and could not pick just one favorite. I love the "Prayers for our children" and "Baby's Christmas." I also really like--perhaps most of all--The Christmas Story. I wish "getting all funky" came easily to me.
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Thank you so much Iain for for your comment. God is faithful, amanda
Toggle Commented Nov 16, 2009 on a "what's up" list at following an unknown path
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amanda p. wu added a favorite at following an unknown path
Oct 28, 2009
Hi Holly, I've always wanted to read that book but never have. Now you make me want to read it even more!! Do you have the bit memorized? amanda
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2009 on there is hope at following an unknown path
1 reply
Great! Looking forward to seeing them. Hope yall enjoyed your anniversary too. :)
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2009 on how we celebrated at following an unknown path
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i think so too!! :D
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2009 on my groom sings to me at following an unknown path
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yep, BIG baby! Nathan, my other nephew, was a month early and 9 pounds . . . so he might've gotten that big had he stayed inside longer. we are hoping to go home chinese new year . . . so that would be 4-5 months from now.
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I've never tried a cantaloupe smoothie . . . but it sounds wonderful!
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2009 on Freezing Cantaloupe at Mountain Musings
Happy Anniversary!!!! :)
Toggle Commented Aug 24, 2009 on 29! at Mountain Musings
:) Thank you.
Toggle Commented Aug 19, 2009 on missing home at following an unknown path
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Yeah, and even if you could squeeze my nephews in your suitcase, I'm not sure my sister would be too happy about that! :)
Toggle Commented Aug 19, 2009 on missing home at following an unknown path
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Hi Kristi!! My blogging as of late has been rather sporadic and sparse, but maybe that will change one day soon. Thanks for taking time to leave a comment . . . glad to "meet you." I'll check out your blog in a little more depth later on, but the title is really cute! :) in joy, amanda
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Hi Tami, We've not ventured far from our home, but what we have seen is that Tainan is mostly waterlogged. People are starting to move around today and clearing up the beaten down signs and tree limbs. I've heard nothing about St. Lucy's on the news--so that is good news. And we've been watching it pretty closely. amanda
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I like this idea too. Could combine it with Ashley/HappyHousewife's/Rhea's . . . keep the ones I use most often your way and store the others in plastic sheets in a notebook. Thanks!! amanda
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I got the idea from your renaming my lemon chicken to "Law's Dancing Chicken." We now just call it "dancing chicken."
Toggle Commented Jul 22, 2009 on honeymoon muffins at following an unknown path
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Thanks for the idea. I'll check out that site. Do you ever print them out? If you do . . . do you have a way to organize those print outs? amanda
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Talk about jumping to conclusions. First of all, I don't believe in fairy tales. What would make you think that? And, second, I don't worship a man made cross--wooden, silver, golden or otherwise. I worship the God of heaven and earth, who was and is and is to come. He is almighty, most powerful, God of all gods.
Toggle Commented Jun 30, 2009 on temple celebrations at following an unknown path
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Mrs. Happy Housewife got it right!! Good observation! :) And, Lisa who, of course, lives here filled us in on the rest of the details. :) Since there was no one else in line, she actually cut his hair twice. At first, she just trimmed it, but then we told her we wanted all the hair gone. . . so then came the "clippers in the head." :) It's weird paying a vending machine for a hair cut! :)
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I am REALLY new to digital scrapbooking and have only made a few pages so far. But, what I look forward to is being able to reuse papers and elements over and over and easily being able to have more than one copy of a scrapbook. :) What scares me is that my anal retentive personality will get obsessed with the details requiring it to be just so instead of just "making it work."
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Thanks for sharing those links!! amanda :)
Toggle Commented Jun 10, 2009 on faith like potatoes at following an unknown path
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Yes, I think it is Nautica! That is funny!! :) It's a small world . . . although that idiom doesn't quite apply in this situation.
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