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"My sword glows blue..." or "Who knew being Blue Beetle would get me here!(sigh)"
1 reply
Oh, thank you, thank you, Thank You! for the link to Ben Walker. Now I too can purchase the very cool bear shirts.
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2008 on fuh. nuh. muh. nul. at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Oh, thank you, thank you, Thank You! for the link to Ben Walker. Now I too can purchase the very cool bear shirts.
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2008 on fuh. nuh. muh. nul. at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Loving the beard...and the bear tee is fabulous. I'm with noblebear, where can I find it? Great interview. I don't usually watch Criminal Minds, but I'll be looking for your episode in October!
1 reply
Loving the beard...and the bear tee is fabulous. I'm with noblebear, where can I find it? Great interview. I don't usually watch Criminal Minds, but I'll be looking for your episode in October!
1 reply
I'm a little late to comment, but... I've got one son (15) who is into Magic and another son (13) who is into HeroClix and wants to learn D&D. I finally bought Munchkin and we had a blast. I'll be buying Unnatural Axe today and another Munchkin game for my sister. It was soooo indescribably nice to find a game both boys like to play. Thank you, thank you, thank you for introducing it to us! WWdN: In Exile, bringing families together...
Toggle Commented Apr 22, 2006 on a dream can mean anything at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
I'm a little late to comment, but... I've got one son (15) who is into Magic and another son (13) who is into HeroClix and wants to learn D&D. I finally bought Munchkin and we had a blast. I'll be buying Unnatural Axe today and another Munchkin game for my sister. It was soooo indescribably nice to find a game both boys like to play. Thank you, thank you, thank you for introducing it to us! WWdN: In Exile, bringing families together...
Toggle Commented Apr 22, 2006 on a dream can mean anything at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
My 12 year old son loved Holy Grail and quotes it frequently. If I miss the reference he'll ask, "Didn't you get it mom? You know, Monty Python?" Makes a mother proud...
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2006 on a moose bit my sister once at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
My 12 year old son loved Holy Grail and quotes it frequently. If I miss the reference he'll ask, "Didn't you get it mom? You know, Monty Python?" Makes a mother proud...
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2006 on a moose bit my sister once at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
I'll mock you gently. Mock you slowly. Take it easy, 'cause I know you have never podcasted like this before.... (with my sincere apologies to Andy Kim...)
Toggle Commented Dec 2, 2005 on Radio Free Burrito Episode Zero at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
I'll mock you gently. Mock you slowly. Take it easy, 'cause I know you have never podcasted like this before.... (with my sincere apologies to Andy Kim...)
Toggle Commented Dec 2, 2005 on Radio Free Burrito Episode Zero at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
FOX has cancelled so many good shows. One of my favorites was Wonderfalls. They cancelled it for The Swan!!!
Toggle Commented Nov 15, 2005 on there's money in the bananna stand at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
FOX has cancelled so many good shows. One of my favorites was Wonderfalls. They cancelled it for The Swan!!!
Toggle Commented Nov 15, 2005 on there's money in the bananna stand at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply