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Amber T Davis
2522 Feathers Hooves Drive Bethpage, NY 11714
I'm Amber T Davis, 35 year old Copywriter from Bethpage, Ny. I hold a , Marketing and Businessmen degree. I'm at present develop Seattle in light of the sunny West bank of US. I value my occupation (the art of copywriting) moreover how to abuse the power of words when expecting to brood a beyond any doubt thought. I'm a little piece of an over the top laborer, truly in the event that I'm absolutely genuine. For this space, I don't have a concentrated on gathering of spectators, just a locale for recording my life I assume. I'm just an ordinary woman from US that did sufficiently OK for herself job canny; I have held various run of the mill (copywriting) occupations all through the US. I am in the midst of the best move in my life. I am starting now planning to go to Europe for a year. My vocation prospects are uncertain. My choice was certain to raise a couple of eyebrows and it obviously has. Mates and work amigos are marginally stressed for me… in any case I essentially say the most exceedingly awful that can happen is that I return home. I recon it would be fun and favorable position me to record my experience. Potentially one day it will respect consider back my experience. I'm innovative, love anything new, and love the water and travel. Furthermore a noteworthy spot hand a cooking.
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Nov 12, 2015