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The Midwest
Stay at home mommy and stepmommy slash wannabe crafter
Interests: sewing, knitting, reading, cooking, craft blogs, walking, travel, gardening, outdoor living, decorating, kid crafts.
Recent Activity
Amstershiresauce is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Amstershiresauce is now following Ali Edwards
Aug 25, 2009
"Forever just got a day shorter."
From St. Elmo's Fire
So excited about the book!
my new book, a surprise, & a giveaway!!
I am pretty much ecstatic to announce that my new book, Bend the Rules with Fabric: Fun Sewing Projects with Stencils, Stamps, Dye, Photo Transfers, Silk Screening, and More is now available. I haven't been out to see if it's in the shops yet, but I know the ship date is today, so if you pre...
Amstershiresauce is now following Alexis
Aug 24, 2009
Looks great to me!
as good as its gonna get
as good as its gonna get, originally uploaded by calamity kim. Going to go take a break and see the new Transformer movie. We saw The Proposal instead and it was really sweet. It was a nice diversion and we both enjoyed it. It's not possible that I just spent 2 days folding fabric. Is it? ...
That. Is. Awesome.
Nothing Says "Summer Fun" Like...
a toy outhouse made of foam! Did I mention that it's also a craft because you put it together yourself? And that it's 3-D? I can barely contain my excitement! Please forgive the terrible photo...
Grumpy. But I just saw that you linked to me and that really raised my spirits on a blue day. Thanks so much. I just added a link to you in my blogroll too.
Which Dwarf Are You Today?
My computer is acting up (I'm on Oma's right now) and my camera won't focus. It's gray and chilly out. Rrrrrrr.
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