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Interests: playing with my kids, preschool and elementary education, scrapbooking, photography, reading, cooking, learning to sew and quilt, organizing and writing lists :)
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Mar 15, 2010
Wonderful! I have had some canvases sitting in my craft stuff just waiting for an inspiring idea - this is it! :)
things she loves
I completely owe this idea to a picture I found on Eren's photostream. It was the perfect find, not only because it was the day before Valentine's, but also because I was looking for something a little "light" for our school day that afternoon. At Christmas I had purchased a three-pack of paint...
We have loved 'I Love You All Day Long' by Francesca Rusackas for starting preschool or kinder. Looking forward to seeing all the recommendations! :)
Amy@Let's Explore
7 Quick Takes: August 7th
I haven't done a 7QT since last May, but I've got a lot rolling around in my head, and this seems like the best way to sling it out. Much of it revolves around my only real "hobby" or "interest" or "activity" these days - reading and books. (It's possible I've been doing a little too much "kil...
Just fabulous!
homemade cards
These cards were made for 2 reasons. Documentation and blank card requirements. We have been writing down our kids comments on a master list the last few months because they have been getting more and more amazing. I know this is the case with all kids, but dang. So, I wanted to d...
We usually serve the main dish right from the stove onto plates and put side dishes on the table -- veggies, bread, etc. I like my girls (4 and 6) to have some experience with serving themselves and I am always hoping they will have seconds of veggies!
The girls also alternate weekly setting the table/arranging the centerpiece and helping with clearing the table/washing dishes.
I loved get a glimpse into what other families do too! Thanks! :)
Amy @ Let's Explore
another simple question
Since my last simple question was such a success, I have another one for you this evening: What is your dinner style? Buffet? Family style? Serve yourself? Let me explain....for me, the moments right before we sit down to a meal can be pure chaos. Kids are whining for dinner, Dan is walking i...
I'm blown away! I bet all the kids were thrilled!
We partied like Princesses...
I thought I would share some pics from the Princess Party that we threw for my sweet little niece's 5th birthday! We had the party at my house so I got to decorate everything! Now, if you don't know.. I live in a house with 2 boys, so pink & girly is not something I usually get to do... o...
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