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Interests: playing with my kids, preschool and elementary education, scrapbooking, photography, reading, cooking, learning to sew and quilt, organizing and writing lists :)
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Mar 15, 2010
Wonderful! I have had some canvases sitting in my craft stuff just waiting for an inspiring idea - this is it! :)
Toggle Commented Feb 24, 2010 on things she loves at MommyCoddle
1 reply
We have loved 'I Love You All Day Long' by Francesca Rusackas for starting preschool or kinder. Looking forward to seeing all the recommendations! :) Amy@Let's Explore
1 reply
Just fabulous!
Toggle Commented Apr 27, 2009 on homemade cards at angry chicken
1 reply
We usually serve the main dish right from the stove onto plates and put side dishes on the table -- veggies, bread, etc. I like my girls (4 and 6) to have some experience with serving themselves and I am always hoping they will have seconds of veggies! The girls also alternate weekly setting the table/arranging the centerpiece and helping with clearing the table/washing dishes. I loved get a glimpse into what other families do too! Thanks! :) Amy @ Let's Explore
Toggle Commented Apr 21, 2009 on another simple question at MommyCoddle
1 reply
I'm blown away! I bet all the kids were thrilled!
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2009 on We partied like Princesses... at Mariah DeMarco
1 reply