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Amy Brewer
Recent Activity
How awesome! I hope as look as great as she does when I am 100! My great grandmother lived to be 104. When she turned 100 our preacher announced at church it was her birthday and how important her birthday was, she scolded him after church because "you should never tell the age of a lady". She was a spunky old woman and I hope to be just like her.
Family is fantastic. We only have three kids, but every day I am overjoyed with the fact that we have the three we have!
one hundred years.
i flew to chicago last week for a celebration. a major celebration. my great aunt turned 100 years old. she is in the sailor suit on the right. my late grandfather is on the left. isn't it unreal? can you even imagine? ONE HUNDRED YEARS!!! my sister, my parents, my grandmother and my...
Amy Brewer is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 25, 2010
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