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My cat recently jumped off the bed and SCREAMED...he couldn't lift his back end and bunny hopped down the hallway. Then hid. The 1st vet misdiagnosed it as a sprain. 2 days later I rushed him back to the vet because he couldn't control his bladder and was in obvious pain. The top vet examined him, diagnosed with spondylosis & an arthritic fracture. The vet is going to monitor him for a week and see if they can help him stand again. That was 2 days ago. He still can't stand & support his back end... but hops to the litter box and into it (it's very low)the vet says he's not in any pain, but I want to know if it's fair to make him live like that- Not being able support his back end. The vet says we just have to keep him comfortable and see if he regains use of his back legs. He can move his legs when he lays down, but can't stand his back end up... I don't know what to do.......
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Jun 3, 2015