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Amy Fredland
Recent Activity
Seriously...Benjy is amazing!
The Man of the House
My husband is such a talented man. He can create and fix things like no other normal human being. He should have been an engineer... but that's another story! If the dishwasher is broken, he fixes it. If the lawn mower sputters a strange tune, then he knows why. When the air conditioner is leaki...
Love it! Know you are not alone in the "I must get it exactly as I see it in my mind's eye" quest....the best of us go there!
Papa Pulls Through
I took today to relax. It was a day away from my busy schedule. A day to regroup. Benjy had the day off, too! That means lots of coffee and PJ's on until 11 or so. Fantastic! Well, ... not far into the morning I saw a craft that I wanted to do with the kids. The morning tune changed from there...
You're wearing the NH shirt! Yay!
Utterly Exhausted
Both of us!
Amy Fredland is now following Elizabeth Walker
Dec 10, 2009
Whoo Hooo! I'm so glad that you have found your peeps! Coconut oil, hand salves and raw milk...who needs New Hampshire....well, let's not go that far! I miss you and wish we were going to this group together and making those wonderful ornaments with all our kiddos in my cozy house together. I can't wait to see you in Jan.
I am thrilled, absolutely thrilled. I just spent...
I am thrilled, absolutely thrilled. I just spent the evening with a great group of people. I've been looking for this group of people since I moved here (almost 2 years ago!). It was a co-op who share nutritional philosophies from Weston Price, Sally Fallon, and her book Nourishing Traditions! I...
Amy Fredland is now following It's the little things...
Dec 10, 2009
Amy Fredland is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 10, 2009
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