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Oooh! Good luck to all the contestants! I'd love to win this and add it to my gear. =)
Toggle Commented Jul 14, 2011 on A BLEUBIRD GIVEAWAY - NOW CLOSED. at BLEUBIRD BLOG
Out with the old, in with the new. I feel good when I get rid of "stuff" I don't need too. My rule is, if it's been in the closet for more than a year without getting used, I'm donating it. I gave about 3-4 bags full of clothes. Combination of Sofia and I's clothes. Mostly hers though. LOL Good for you and the positive attitude. See? It's getting easier every day.
Toggle Commented Jan 7, 2011 on lady m, recurring memory... at { lady m }
Hope you have a better week next week, M! I hope your weekend is relaxing and that you accomplish what you want to do. Not too much, ok? Take it easy. =)
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2010 on this, that & the other... at { lady m }
I hope things get better for you emotionally. Just try to stay on that positive attitude and it will get better soon chica. You'll see! I love Philosophy too! I just bought a little lotion and spray set. My fave this summer! I love all their stuff. Wish I had a Target nearby to try out this body scrub. SOunds like it smells delish!
_AnaGuerrero_ is now following I-Luv-Eeyore
Sep 16, 2010
You would never guess it, but even the desert out here in New Mexico has beauty. I've never seen these flowers before. They grow right on the cactus. The flowers look almost fake to me! Sorry for the lack of updates but I try..! Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2010 at _AnaGuerrero_'s blog
Sounds like you had a great weekend. =) Mellow is always nice. It's good for the soul. <3 Good for you going back to cooking! Nothing like a home made meal, seriously. And how cute is Roxy! LOL Being all metiche! HAHAHA!
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2010 on Mellow weekend... at { lady m }
_AnaGuerrero_ is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 13, 2010