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I mean, who really cares since I haven't posted on here for at least 4 MONTHS but if you do care to keep up with me, I've moved to... AND just to make your life even more complete - I started a blog for Berlioz! KING B Don't act like I didn't already confess to being obsessed with my cat. And with that my eyebrow, B and I wish you well and hope to see you soon! Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2013 at rytmi
Oh my goodness what is going on in the world? The only thing I've had time to watch/invest time in has been the vice presidential and presidential debates. I'm sure grateful that my job and classes are always done by 6pm so I can rush home to make dinner for my family. If you can't sense my sarcasm, here you go... I love that the internet instantly came up with a Binders Full of Women tumblr. Here you are. Bleh, you don't want to talk politics like e v e r y o n e else. that's cool....I got new... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2012 at rytmi
Last night as Cleve and I sat on a raggedy old blanket looking over downtown Portland, I came to a really silly conclusion. Winking is weird. I mean think about it, just about anytime it happens to you its a little strange and awkward, right? Because you're all, "Do I say hi back? Are they being a creep and hitting on me? Maybe that's just how they say hi?" Really, all of the aforementioned are just plain awkward. The boyfriend and I went to a Dick Dale concert a few years back and he totally winked at me from the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at rytmi
The last few weeks have been busy, busy as normal. But good busy. I'm taking up a bit of freelance design work which has been really fun and enjoyable! We also signed a lease on a new house and I can't wait to get all settled in. Between our regular jobs and regular errands we have been making sure to have lots of little dates here and there to enjoy this beautiful weather! I think we have been averaging about three bbq's a week and I'm not complaining one bit! Can't start off the photo documentation without a picture of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2012 at rytmi
This has been my first week off from school -- whoo, summer break!! I've been trying to stay productive and busy but also take advantage of the extra time to hang out with friends and enjoy some of these summer nights. It has been so wonderful to be able to have a bonfire with our friends and not worry about the loads of homework I still have to do! Last week I went to my friend Malorie's house to help take some pictures for her new vintage shop! I had so much fun wearing her vintage clothes. Some of her... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2012 at rytmi
Like my photography skills can even compare to Jenny's work, but here is some of my latest 35mm film along with a few more from our couples shoot. Now for the goods.... for more of Jenny's work visit her at xoxo. Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2012 at rytmi
Dudes, it has been over a month since I have had time to blog. Today I forgot it was boyfriend's pool league night and he has reminded me every day for the past week! I am so very busy. But things are on the up & up! I feel like I piss and moan a lot lately on this little blog, and as much as I do have to piss and moan about, really my life is great. First off! I am getting a new job! One that I am truly happy and excited for! So many exclamation marks! In... Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2012 at rytmi
So, being this busy doesn't allow for much 'me time' anymore. That's ok though, I'm learning to enjoy the little things like painting my nails and having time to stop at the coffee stand in the morning. (First world problems, I know.) However, that doesn't stop a girl from dreaming...especially when you have Pinterest and see a million beautiful things in 3 minutes. Here are a few things I've seen this week that I think I may neeeeeed. Don't worry, boyfriend. I can't afford any of this stuff anyway! seriously. I've been wanting a dress like this for SO long!... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2012 at rytmi
As you can see, I don't have much time to blog these days. I wish I had an extra couple of hours a week to catch up on all my favorite blogs and to write a post of my own now & then. But I am a busy bee, so that is the price I pay I suppose. I went to Bellingham a few weeks back and had such a nice time relaxing with my brother & sister. It's funny how the older we get, the closer we get. I truly love my siblings and can't wait to grow old... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2012 at rytmi
I don't know if any of you saw this jem floating around... Too funny. Also, really, really scary that someone that stupid was able to run for president but we can talk about that another day. This video inspired Cleveland and I to break out the silkscreen and create another masterpiece. Behold... As you can see, I sent some off to my loved ones who are great models. I'm particularly fond of the purple/yellow combo I made for Hiatt. Going to have to recreate that one for myself. Hope your week is less stressful than mine! We have a lot... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2012 at rytmi
I realized the other night that I am becoming more and more like my mother. The past couple of weeks have been LONG so my shoulders and back are getting really sore from hovering over a computer at both work and school. I probably average 10 hours a day in front of a computer. Sad, I know. This little dilemma has brought forth the Bed Buddy. A rice filled sack that you warm up in the microwave which stays hot for an hour or so. Put that puppy in the microwave for 3.30 and rest it under your shoulders (or... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2012 at rytmi
Like I have said before, we have a 20 pound cat. He is the sweetest, cuddliest, little king of the house. I'm just gonna go out and come to terms with the fact that I am a crazy cat lady now (still love dogs, though!) and state that we are obsessed with Berlioz. Well, basically everyone who meets him is too! Last week I got some blackmail pics with my phone of the boyfriend and B sleeping on the couch. Sorry for the poor quality, but whatever -- this is freaking cute. Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2012 at rytmi
I made Onion Rings for the first time ever last week. So easy! Anyone could do this...and they were delicious. I also had some fun with the Minolta to document the steps. Yes, food photography!! mix 1 egg, 1 cup of flour, 1tsp baking powder, and your desired spices. I probably added a half tsp of garlic salt, johnnys, and a pinch of pepper and cajun spice. Slice those onions! About 1/2 inch thick. Throw em' into the batter and slop around until coated. Put into hot grease and turn after about 3 minutes on each side. Enjoy! We sure... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2012 at rytmi
We had the busiest most relaxing holiday season. Busy and Relaxing you ask? Yes, you can have both. -Spent Christmas morning at my folks, Christmas afternoon at his, Christmas night at my aunts. But then we stayed the night at my other aunts house (who my sister was housesitting for) and spent the evening in the hot tub, eating brownie bites, and enjoying the night with my brother and sister. See...busy & relaxing. -We've been using our days off this past week to organize and finally get shit done around the house. Our basement is now a workspace! I have... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2012 at rytmi
My house is in shambles. I have the nastiest cold. I cannot skip school or work to get some rest. I am oh so tired and even a little cranky. ---BUT--- my Thanksgiving was magical. I got to see my bff Molly and her sister Liz (who's basically like the big sister I wish I had) in the morning! Liz is engaged!!!!! And her ring is gorgeous. Its vintage! And we all love her fiancee, Tyler so basically I'm really excited. Then, dinner at my aunts was so lovely. Our family had a special moment at dinner, each of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2011 at rytmi
...and I did mostly nothing but relax and do homework and eat. Naturally, this means it was a perfect weekend. Its been getting a lot colder here. Today I broke out the down trench coat. There's supposed to be a lot of rain and wind tonight, and the news coverage is hilarious. Last year when we had like .0000025" of snow, the news was cancelling school, bus routes, everything. It was like Portland froze over. And today there have been tons of breaks in the news with updates from the 'storm tracker team'. It wasn't even raining and one lady... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at rytmi
I finally got back some of my film from Halloween. They are awesome! I still have a lot to learn with the boyriends old Minolta, but I think some turned out ok and I mostly love reliving that weekend. This weekend was superrr fun as well! It was my birthday on Saturday and our friends from Grave Babies came to town to play a show at Dante's. I had a really fun night taking pictures, sippin on drinks, and hanging out with our friends. My mom also surprised me and came down Friday night so we had a nice dinner... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at rytmi
This weekend was great. Seattle was a lot of fun! My sister met up with us Saturday night for a big house show at our friends house on Capitol Hill. Once I develop my film, you can really see how amazing everyone looked and how my friend decorated his house. It was truly a piece of art! I was Goldust, Cleveland was a Banana, and my sister was a flamingo (her costume was ballllllliin). My favorite band of the night was Baby Guns. They were pretty dang loud and sweet. We had a lovely breakfast at Montana, and spent some... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2011 at rytmi
So have you noticed I only seem to have time to write a post when I have my every other weekend off? ha. Seriously, I am so very busy. Thank my lucky stars for my smart phone so that I can quickly breeze my favorite blogs in between classes and on lunch at work. This week has been a weird one for me. As we all know( because I'm always complaing about it) I'm busy. Like, I dont-have-time-to-clip-my-nails-and-realize-they-are-like-cokehead-long busy. Don't get me started on how dirty the house is because no one has been around to clean. And the cat!... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2011 at rytmi
Since school has started, I either have class or work (or both) from 9am to 9pm all weeknights but one. So my days have been looooooooong. But this was one of the weekends where I didn't work or have school! I am eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's Cheesecake Brownie ice cream while I write this. I'm also watching Kitchen Nighmares and the boyfriend and cat are asleep on the couch. Its 8:52pm. Yep, it was that kind of weekend. The kind of weekend where my sister came to visit! She came late Friday night and we were both... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2011 at rytmi
Cleveland's new camera. condos on the sw waterfront. B. homemade tortilla chips. new hair. pumpkin pancakes. B again. lace I scored at a garage sale for $2. rosettes I'm making out of the lace. view from the boyfriend's work. Hope your weeked is as relaxing as ours. Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2011 at rytmi
Back to the grind of work + school. So far so good, but I am already exhausted and its Wednesday. Ha. I got a new job which is keeping me on my toes but also much much much (can I say it enough?) much better than what I was doing before. First night of school! I also finally got the house cleaned and some food on the shelves...seriously, we have had no time to shop and somehow have lived off of sandwiches, eggs, and pretzles. However, I do have to say that the boyfriend has totally stepped it up this... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2011 at rytmi
This morning I went into the bedroom to get some earrings and look who I found! Its Berlioz! And did I make him move? No. Little B rules this home. Happy Monday! Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2011 at rytmi