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Norrköping, Sweden -
Family man living in Norrköping, Sweden, with Karin (love), Wendy (cat) and Nadine (daughter, every second weekend), loves building communities for a better world, and passionate about Sustainopreneurship ("Business with a Cause" via SLICE Services and Publishing), Joy of Life EDM (DJ Anders) and Aikido.
Interests: yoga, innovation, tolerance, aikido, creativity, honesty, intuition, love, entrepreneurship, peace, equality, respect, anthropology, sustainability, uganda, empathy, qigong, integrity, global, electronic dance music, sweden, identity tagging: nadine!, växjö university, global knowledge nomad, social constructionism, action speaks louder than words, dj anders, global mindset, qualitative intentional networker, high spirit, walk the talk, norrköping, sustainopreneurship, msc ba, openness, multi/inter-local, win-win-win, prosperity, unity, open space, social web, slice services and publishing, music-dj, re:love the world!, karin!, wendy!, iq-eq-sq-cq, joy of life edm, sustainopreneurship facilitator, world café, aereas, lasso network, social media club, be the change you want to see
Recent Activity
A late note. This blog is no longer active (no kiddin') - a long time companion of blogging came to an end last year, as seen. This blog was active 2004 to 2011, and played a significant role in the... Continue reading
via I have been posting three articles last week every month Dec, Jan and now Feb on Social Media Club Global, as a part of SMC Editorial Team. These will transform into a "Manifesto for Global Digital Participation -... Continue reading
Jan 12, 2011 ... NEW YORK (Reuters) - With China virtually cut off and Western markets maturing, Wikipedia is targeting India first and possibly Brazil next - Cached Jan 13, 2011 ... For Wikipedia's 10th anniversary, co-founder Jimmy Wales... Continue reading
20 Types of Blog Posts – Battling Bloggers Block And I will set a date for kick-off for 1. what to contribute daily, and 2. what to contribute weekly, and 3. what to contribute monthly. Just as a way to... Continue reading
As shared here (personal blog), here and here (this blog), I am rebooting my computer after the hard disc crashed the other month. I wanted to see how this embedding from my Hootsuite stream of the same worked out. This... Continue reading
Premiär: Bloggar på svenska på denna blogg för första gången / This blog post in Swedish :). Veckan som följer är jag deltagare på två evenemang arrangerat av Stiftelsen för Internetinfrastruktur (eller .SE kort och gott) - Upprop för digital... Continue reading
via As promised in my last blog post, here is the sharing solution focus. 1. The main tool I found (through Firefox recommendations, in fact), was Share-a-holic. That is the green button besides the address field. It gets a... Continue reading
via Getting out on the social web, and taking part of the conversation and action-driven flows out there is one of the core parts of the leverage done to the "sustainopreneurial moment". Thus, the "interface to and from the... Continue reading
Today is Blog Action Day 2010 - this year themed with water. I think the main way ahead when it comes to clean and safe water production and distribution for health and drinking - and that is thinking new and... Continue reading
In my latest slideshare from my latest presentation from mid-May, I added two Hashtags in one of the landing slides at the ending, illustrating two network-ventures I co-organize, related to the changing face of work. Meaning: Work Where You Want.... Continue reading
"Factories used to be arranged in a straight line. That's because there was one steam engine, and it turned a shaft. All the machines were set up along the shaft, with a belt giving each of them power. The office... Continue reading
Sustainopreneurship - Business with a Cause. Getting Leverage for Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainability (Keynote: JCI ECM 2010 - Stockholm #ecm2010) View more presentations from Anders Abrahamsson. -- UPDATE: From comments section - "This is the slidepack used as illustrations... Continue reading
Testing another tweet to post over at my macroblog, using the Blackbird Pie wizard created by @robinsloan - than a minute ago via TweetDeck Anders Abrahamsson sliceonline Continue reading
Anders Abrahamsson - Sustainopreneurship – Business with a Cause. Getting leverage for Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainability. Anders Abrahamsson (MSc BA, Sustainability Entrepreneurship; founder of SLICE Services and Publishing), born 1966, loves building communities for a better world. Calling himself... Continue reading
Silence broken again, on my way to blog post number 100. I have really been buzy at my new work since November 2009, which haven't allowed me to post that much. Anyways, soon a public speaking scheduled for May 14... Continue reading
andersabrahamsson is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Reading: Statistics on my Typepad account. I have posted 96 posts in total since 2004 here. Not much. But when posting, quite long, and encompassing time periods quite vast, with more intermediary landings of the really longer articles, or to... Continue reading
It's time to Get Real. I have to admit that my admin of a process that easily invites itself to procrastinating - writing big stuff - has been post-poned. But what's the opposite to post-poned? Pre-something? You tell. Anyways, I've... Continue reading
Thanks to a quite magic interaction flowing in - a story shared later - I ended up getting featured on Alltop. And I added the badge to the sidebar! Who said that blog posts needs to be longer than this?... Continue reading
One year ago, I started the article on Sustainopreneurship on Wikipedia. The story about the publishing covering the first 24ish hours of its history is here. Paradoxically, I expected in the worst-case scenario a multiple-front "wiki-war" defending the article -... Continue reading
The other late night I digged deep into different crowdsourcing initiatives, tools and approaches on the net. There are alot of resources, and I will blog separately on that. Now I test my Twitter Followers, Facebook Friends and LinkedIn Network... Continue reading
Yesterday my guest blogging on Internetdagarna was published, and today it's the week's most popular in track/topic "Mobility". I will translate both in full here on this blog, and publish them in one blog post/flow when I've written both parts... Continue reading
I've been invited to - hosted by the Swedish .se foundation - as a live blogger to cover the track on Internet in the Mobile Phone. As a pre-event-blogging, I will blog two blog posts trying to cover the... Continue reading
[this is my contribution for Blog Action Day 2009] When we adress the problem of climate change, one method that usually gets mentioned, is ”carbon offset”. The basic thinking is that you compensate for your action results of CO2 emission... Continue reading
"Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world's bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day on their own blogs with the aim of sparking discussion around an issue of global importance. Blog Action... Continue reading