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Kevin Anderson
Recent Activity
I can relate!
"No sugar"
I'm getting the message to cut out sugar from my diet... not naturally occurring sugar but refined, extra sugars. OK. Will do. Thanks, Paula, for helping bring that message through.
Cool. This is synchronous with me. Today I looked up Moksha on wikipedia for the first time. I wasn't familiar with the term, though I knew it's opposite: Samsara.
Moksha: I am emotionally free
i'm imagining that I am free of habitual compulsions and patterns of behavior. i'm imagining that there are no limitations to what i can manifest. i'm imagining that i can see infinite possibilities at all times. ..... MOKSHA (thanks, Deepak, for sharing these visualizations in The Spontaneous F...
Kevin Anderson is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 2, 2009
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