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My sons are loud with their unique personalities and sense of humour.
10+ tips for car trips with kids
Do you have some long car trips coming up for the summer? Like most people, I will be spending quite a bit of time in my car over the next few weeks as we visit relatives, see the sights, and vacation with friends in the area, and I’m already planning ahead for the road trips with three young k...
I like that they give you so many options on what you can donate, along with the beautiful gifts they offer.
Gifts that give back this holiday season from World Vision {turquoise jewelry giveaway}
Do you want to make a difference this Christmas? Give with the help of World Vision and you will know that your contribution is going towards making a difference where it is needed most. You can buy a goat and chickens, medicines, bed nets, or even clean water by making a simple donation in y...
Their summer sausage is a yearly favorite we look forward to!
Holiday traditions with Hickory Farms {Chocolate Decadence Trio giveaway}
When my husband and I were first married, we received a box full of Hickory Farms treats from the grandparents for our first holiday in our new house. This little box was such a welcome treat with our meager post-wedding funds, and I remember making each night we snacked on the gift box into a ...
Andrea2russia5 is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 1, 2015
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