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The Nexo parks itself without driver assist.
Hyundai delivers first 2019 NEXO fuel cell SUV to US customer
Hyundai delivered its first NEXO fuel cell SUV (earlier post) to Todd Hochrad of Ventura, California—the first US customer to drive off in the new NEXO, the only mass-produced fuel cell SUV for the US market, featuring a range up to 380 miles. Hochrad purchased his first hybrid car more th...
The Nexo is an amazing SUV.
Hyundai delivers first 2019 NEXO fuel cell SUV to US customer
Hyundai delivered its first NEXO fuel cell SUV (earlier post) to Todd Hochrad of Ventura, California—the first US customer to drive off in the new NEXO, the only mass-produced fuel cell SUV for the US market, featuring a range up to 380 miles. Hochrad purchased his first hybrid car more th...
Andrew_from_Jef is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 2, 2019
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