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What's this vVNX you speak of? ;-)
Partner access soon for EMC Architect? :-)
@Andrew Fidel -- this is the whole point of FAST Cache (or at least most of the point). While you can't increase the main array cache, you can augment it to pretty massive degree with FAST Cache.
I'm pretty sure you can actually get the most recent version of Converter from VMware to produce aligned VMs -- you need to precreate the vmdk with an aligned partition and then point VMware Converter at an existing vmdk rather than creating one from scratch. A bit tedious but feasible (and not too bad if you create the vmdk thin and copy it as needed).
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I'd be very curious to have you do some in-depth comparison on Compellent's tiering (can handle shortstroking, etc.) vs. FAST on VMAX. Realizing of course that Compellent and VMAX don't really compete in the same space...
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Dec 19, 2010