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OK, let's not call it a smackdown. How about a lovefest? As long we get Chicago, AP, Yahoo and perhaps others in the same room, I am OK with any name.
I'm not sure about Bluebook, however, because I am still scarred from all of those footnotes in my master's thesis.
Chicago vs. AP et al.: Can’t We Just Be Friends?
Here at the Chicago Manual of Style, I’ve been dismayed by recent talk online about discord between the major style manuals: tweets from the ACES conference calling for an “AP vs. Chicago smackdown”; a new blog called “AP vs. Chicago.” Upset by the hype, I went to my boss and mentor, Chicago’s ...
Thank you for this post. I have experienced the same problem and blogged about it:
Copy editors like talking about what we do, but we're not going to judge your grammar at a cocktail party or even in e-mail.
How to Talk to a Copyeditor
Do you often find yourself at a party where the person making introductions is unaware of the etiquette whereby you mention a likely mutual interest such as “Carol also has a garden,” or “Carol also has a rotator cuff injury,” or “Carol also loves to watch really bad movies,” and instead says, “...
Andybechtel is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 3, 2010
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