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Andy Hoyland
Sheffield, UK
I make websites...
Interests: Making websites
Recent Activity
A great list. The cotweet / hootsuite are new ones for me - they look good. Also - you've gotta love the google apps set up you mention. Ideal... Personally I'm more of a wordpress fan so I would say for the free homepage/blog or for the 'real thing' - so many possibilities for Wordpress Driven Church! Although you'd have to pay for hosting/domain the software itself is free! Also - there are lots of lovely designers out there who do very reasonable rates for churches... hint hint... ;) Also I would add Mailchimp ( to the list - organise mailing lists and the like - a free option is available but cost involved if you're big!
Hey Steve. I think it was my dodgy internet connection but I tried to listen in - almost midnight our time but I couldn't sleep anyways! I got the image at times but you kept freezing. I'll blame Talk Talk and hope for more success next time?! Hope it went well. Andy
Brilliant adverts - the John Lewis one is fantastic and the Old Spice one made me laugh out loud. I don't buy stuff from John Lewis and I won't be switching to Old Spice though. Not sure what my point is on that front... but I know exactly what you mean. I spend far too long trying to make fliers, web adverts, stuff that is a copy of something else I have seen... Thanks for the posts.
Andy Hoyland is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 21, 2010