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Andy Hoyland
Sheffield, UK
I make websites...
Interests: Making websites
Recent Activity
A great list. The cotweet / hootsuite are new ones for me - they look good.
Also - you've gotta love the google apps set up you mention. Ideal...
Personally I'm more of a wordpress fan so I would say for the free homepage/blog or for the 'real thing' - so many possibilities for Wordpress Driven Church! Although you'd have to pay for hosting/domain the software itself is free! Also - there are lots of lovely designers out there who do very reasonable rates for churches... hint hint... ;)
Also I would add Mailchimp ( to the list - organise mailing lists and the like - a free option is available but cost involved if you're big!
13 Free Web Tools That Will Kickstart Your Church Communications
I've been surfing the internet since the early 1990's, you know the time when people were foaming at the mouth about the arrival of the 52k dial-up modem, online chat first appeared, and the Mac Quadra 900 was a super computer. Remember way back then? I seen trends come and go, but one trend ...
Hey Steve.
I think it was my dodgy internet connection but I tried to listen in - almost midnight our time but I couldn't sleep anyways!
I got the image at times but you kept freezing. I'll blame Talk Talk and hope for more success next time?!
Hope it went well.
Church Communications Coaching Starts This Friday
I'm starting a Church Communications Coaching pilot program this Friday. OK. I don't know if this is going to suck or be brilliant but I thought I would give it a try. I'm going to be available this week live online on video chat to answer your questions or just chat with you about Church commun...
Brilliant adverts - the John Lewis one is fantastic and the Old Spice one made me laugh out loud.
I don't buy stuff from John Lewis and I won't be switching to Old Spice though.
Not sure what my point is on that front... but I know exactly what you mean. I spend far too long trying to make fliers, web adverts, stuff that is a copy of something else I have seen...
Thanks for the posts.
Is Your Church An Old Spice Church?
Hello ladies. Now look at your church. Now back to me. Now back at your church. Now back to me. Is your church an Old Spice church? Is mine? Let me rephrase that. I was blown away by the original thinking and creativity in this TV ad. I've been thinking about about the creative projects that I'...
Andy Hoyland is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 21, 2010
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