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AndyKennemer is now following seattlegirl
Oct 18, 2010
Great recap. I was there as well, and while I arrived too late to see Brian Dunn speak, I heard great things about what he said.
I particularly liked George Colony, CEO of Forrester, give his presentation on "5 things to say to your CEO". Last was the notion that the only way forward is for IT and marketing to interbreed. How many companies do you think really get this?
Razorfish Client Summit recap
I was fortunate this week to attend the annual Razorsfish Client Summit in Boston. After working with Razorfish for five years now this was the first Summit I attended. The lineup of brands was a good one, they varied from large global brands like Mercedes Benz and Nike to small, niche start ups...
AndyKennemer is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 18, 2010
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